Influence of drug addiction and toxic substance abuse on life activity of a person

Social and economic difficulties in the country resulted both recession of vital potential and increasing of negative and extremely dangerous phenomena in society. One of such phenomena is drug addiction expanding. Drug addict is a person, who looks for a way to escape from life difficulties. Frequently young people and children become drug addicts.

The only general parameter is that the reason of drug addiction is to be searched in social development. The law-enforcement struggle with drugs, in particular with their illegal trade. The mental dependence on drugs means that only with the help of them it is possible to gain emotional stability and keep the nerves under control. While using drugs a physical dependence appears; it is much worse, because the mentioned mental attraction to drugs is accompanied by physical sufferings. Drug addicts, as the matter of fact, unable to have a regular work commit crimes for living and satisfy growing need for drugs.

The most widespread drugs, which cause physical and mental dependence, are of opium type (opium, morphine, heroin, codeine), and also partly barbiturate, tranquilizers and vekaminos. Drug addict rehabilitation is possible only in conditions of special in-patient treatment. However, even after a long-term treatment relapse is possible. If a drug addict can't quit this «hell», nothing can help his dying.

Recently in many countries including Ukraine toxic substance abuse has spread (toxin means poison). Toxic substance abuse attracts youth, mainly scholars of higher classes and students of technical training colleges. Intoxication is achieved spraying light poisonous substances, which are absorbed by lungs and penetrate fast in brain while inhalation. Aerosol, as well as alcohol, detains supplying of blood with oxygen, brain and central nervous system can't manage without. Multiple aerosol intoxication can cause death. People drop out of the balconies, get under the transport, and choke under spray affecting.

Treatment of drug addict is very hard and outcomes are not always successful. The term of treatment depends on time one used a drug. The longer it is, the more complicated and prolonged process of treatment is. For example, to eliminate narcotic influence of a drug addict who had used drugs for one year takes 3-4 months of intensive in-patient treatment.

Social danger and harmfulness of drug addiction:

- drug addicts are bad workers, their work capacity, physical and mental activity is strongly reduced, they always keep thinking of drug - how to get it;

- drug addiction brings significant material and moral losses, is the reason of industrial, transport and private accidents, injuries, diseases and various criminal offences;

- drug addicts make insufferable condition for their families which turn out to be out of livelihood, commit crimes as to their children, because poor health of parents passes to the children;

- drug addicts degrade physically and morally becoming a burden for the society, involving in the dirty business new people, first of all young, and then prematurely die;

- using drugs is immoral. The essence of drug addiction consists in the ruining of healthy estimation of reality, moral standards which were created during education, goals and sense of life;

- drug illness in all its kinds is a social dangerous mental disease that threatens future of the nation, prosperity and health of the population of the whole country. This determines universal, global significance of the problem.

2.3 Influence of alcohol and nicotine on the human's health

Using alcohol and smoking are considered to be the social evil for the society. This is the certain reason for duration of lifeshortening, rising a death rate, defective generation.

Alcohol has strong negative influence on viability of a person. Alcohol or spirit is narcotic poison that affects first of all the brain cells, paralysing them. Doze making 7-8 g of pure spirit per 1 kg of body weight is fatal to a person. The adult person having weight 75 kg can die of one-time using 1 liter of 40° vodka. In accordance to data of the World Organization of Health Protection, alcoholism annually causes 6,000,000 deaths what's more than from cancer. In 1997 in Ukraine 9,134 people have died from poisoning with alcoholic drinks. Alcohol affects human's organism very negatively. It produces deep and long-term weakening action. For example such a small doze as 80 g keeps active for 24 hours and poisons an organism.

Using alcohol causes pneumonia of prolong character which is frequently followed by festering and gangrene. The defined fact is that people frequently using alcoholic drinks are sick for podagra and cancer. Systematic drunkenness predetermines many diseases, causes early aging and reduces duration of life.

Drivers using alcohol cause many accidents. Scientific researches testify that glass of beer drunk by the: driver before the driving increases an accident rate in 7 times, using 50 g of vodka - 30 times, using 200 g of vodka - 130 times. Only in Europe over і 250,000 people died in traffic-accidents and 10,000,000 got injuries.

Adventures on the road are mostly caused by the drivers in the age of 15-25 and the main reason of all is alcohol. Alcohol predetermines alcoholic hypertension or affects the myocardium, and also predetermines hepatitis (inflammation of a liver), cirrhosis (scaring regeneration) of liver, affects brain, induces sexual powerlessness.

Scientists proved that the safe dozes of alcohol do not exist. 100 g of vodka kills 7,500 of actively working brain cells.

Acceptance of 75 g of vodka in 30 minutes reduces muscular strength to 40 %. Alcohol is intracellular poison. It breaks exchange of substances down in cordial muscles, exhausts their energy. More than 25 % of cordial diseases are directly connected with using of alcohol. Alcohol affects heart more often the people in the age of 30-45. Every fourth so called sudden death is entailed by using of alcoholic drinks.

The drunkenness and alcoholism are the reason of almost a half of all divorces, 62.6 % of all cases are initiated by women on the reason of men drunkenness.

Medical scientists investigating children with nervous diseases came to conclusion, that from 100 children – epileptics in 60 cases – fathers abused alcohol, in 40 cases of 100 mentally retarded children – fathers were alcoholics. Alcoholism is one of the reasons of children bearing with various defects. Children in such families are born weak, unhealthy, get behind in physical and mental development, study bad, begin using alcoholic drinks early. Academician V.M. Behterev on the base of carried out researches clarified that every of 100 men-alcoholic produce 10 children having physical defects, 8 idiots, 15 epileptics, 5 alcoholics.

Smoking is a habit widespread among men and less spread among women, teenagers. Scientific researches confirm a harmful influence of nicotine on the organism of a person. It's proved that a tobacco smoke contains poisonous substances. Besides nicotine it contains harmful substances such as: charcoal gas, pyridines, hydrocianic acid, and hydrogen: sulphite, carbon dioxide, ammonia, nitrogen, and essential oilis.

Smoke of 25 cigarettes contains about two drops of pure nicotine, which is enough to kill a dog. A mouse dies suddenly, if one drop of nicotine if injected into its eye.

One doze of nicotine of is fatal to a person. During the 30 years adult person uses in average 200,000 of cigarettes, or 160 kg of tobacco, what makes 800 g of nicotine equal to 10,000 fatal dozes.'

As nicotine gets into the organism of the person slowly and in small dozes, the acute phenomena of poisoning are not observed.

Tobacco harmfully influence on the organism of the person, first of all, on the nervous system, exciting it and then depressing.

Nicotine narrows brain vascular system reduces its elasticity, complicates the supply of brain with blood what predetermines deterioration of its work. Headaches, dizziness, feeling excessive head weight are the consequences of it. There're known the cases when smoking people feel sexual dysfunctions. Weakening of memory, attention, muscular strength and intelligence appear under the influence of smoking. Researches testify that 8-hours work takes additional two hours if the worker is smoker.

Smokers get sick with cancer and other malignant swellings 5 times more often. Extensive observations of the USA experts carried out on above 1,000,000 patients have enabled to make such conclusion: disease and death rate because of cancer among smokers is 10 times higher than among nonsmokers, and people who smokes two packs per day are in for this risk which is 24..30 times higher.

The hygienic aspect of smoking consists in poisoning not only the organism of a smoker but also the surrounding air, what's he's got no right for. For nonsmokers staying in a room filled with the smoke is more dangerous for health, than for smokers.

Smoking should be struggled in all society. Struggle is to be carried out in such main directions:

- administrative measures restricting smoking in public places and in particular suppressing smoking among children and teenagers;

- everyone, who smokes should realize all the harm he puts to health.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-21; просмотров: 1254;

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