The uninformed and overemotional people think that all skin diseases are contagious. In fact, most are not. For instance, is any skin disease caused by fungus dangerous to others? No, the only really contagious fungus is ring-form, which can be contacted from another person, and also from pets, such as dogs and cats. Most of the other forms of skin diseases are not contagious. However, the sight of them frightens people and causes the patient much discomfort. Psoriasis, a chronic skin disease that causes severe itching, can appear on the elbows, knees, shoulders, and even the face.
Such skin diseases as eczema, neurodermite and several others are allergies. Often they start out as diathesis in childhood, and turn into chronic ailments in adulthood. The patient suffers from itching, develops excessively moist and scaly skin. Of course, they do not make a person attractive, but are not dangerous at all.
A person who has been in an auto accident, has suffered a heart attack or a stroke gets plenty of sympathy and attention, but someone with serious skin disease is shunned because people think it is contagious. That is why such patients often become withdrawn, suffer from anxiety, loneliness and lack of self-confidence. Psychological disturbance, in its turn, exacerbates the ailment, \which gets out of control. In such cases the patient particularly needs to be treated kindly, tolerantly, attentively and tactfully. Otherwise the disease will worsen.
A skin ailment is often a sign of what is happening inside the body, of some undetected disorder. Therefore people should not try to treat themselves. The only way to get well is to follow your doctor's advice.
Albinism - a congenital lack of the melanin pigment of skin, hair and iris. Albinism may be partial and complete. Furthermore, albinism may be a manifestation of another disease.
Milky-white skin, colorless hair, light blue or reddish (because translucent vessels) eyes - these are the characteristic features of an albino. Their skin is unable to tan, the risk of developing skin cancer - increased. Albino skin is more dry, sweating violated may be hypo-or hypertrichosis (reduced or increased growth of body hair). In albinos reduced visual acuity, photophobia noted, strabismus, nystagmus, and cataracts can. Other symptoms may infertility, mental retardation, birth defects, immune system disorders. Partial albinism appears depigmented areas of the skin at birth the child.
All symptoms: white skin, hair and red irises of the eyes, rapid involuntary eye movements (nystagmus)
To the list of diseases
The reason is albinism defect (mutation) of the genes responsible for the enzyme tyrosinase involved in melanin synthesis. Based on an erroneous enzyme gene is not synthesized or synthesized in insufficient quantity, resulting in not formed and melanin. Albinism can be associated with other diseases and syndromes, for example, Prader -Willi and Angelman syndrome - diseases caused by chromosomal abnormalities, and in addition to albinism manifesting mental retardation.
Suggest albinism can have on the appearance of the patient. Confirm the diagnosis by using a DNA diagnostics. Identify the genetic defect may be even before birth.
List of diagnostics methods: visual inspection and survey
Albinism is no specific treatment, as neither compensate for the lack of tyrosinase and melanin or prevent disorders of vision impossible. Because melanin protects the skin from the sun, albino prone to sunburn, and hence to malignant tumors of the skin. The probability of these complications can be reduced by avoiding direct sunlight, using sunglasses and putting on sun- exposed areas of the skin cream with a sun protection factor above 15. Perhaps symptomatic treatment - for example, surgical correction of the eye muscles in squint. To prevent the transmission of inherited abnormalities in such patients need genetic counseling
Дата добавления: 2015-06-10; просмотров: 3391;