Kazakhstan to Launch Its Own Infant Food Production

An infant food production plant has been built in Almaty.

Turegeldy Sharmanov, President of the Kazakh Nutrition Academy, made a declaration of the fact to journalists at the 10th International Congress of Paediatricians of the Turkic World this Thursday.

“This is a unique plant within the Post-Soviet territory. Formerly, there was such a plant in Moscow that allegedly provided the entire population of the Soviet Union with infant food. Now, we are constructing our own plant on the new, entirely modernised basis. The technological process of the plant is Hungarian. It is very expensive. The Kazakh Nutrition Academy is considering what type product should be produced here,” said T. Sharmanov.

The head of the Academy also said that the land plot purchased for the plant land allotment used to be a pioneer camp territory. “As a rule, in the Soviet time the cleanest natural environment used to be allotted to pioneer camps, whereas in Almaty such environmental conditions are in Akbulak, it has been already a year since we built a plant there,” noted the KazNA President.

The investor of the project, as T. Sharmanov noted, is a Korean businessman. Plans are in place that the plant will be producing fifteen types of infant products featuring various rates of fortification with vitamins, proteins, and micro elements intended to strengthen immunity.

“The products will be only natural ones; we will vigilantly watch the compliance. Within the plant, a dedicated quality control laboratory equipped with modern equipment will be established,” said T. Sharmanov.

According to T. Sharmanov, cleaning operations are currently in progress that will take seven days. The opening of the plant itself is to take place in fifteen days.

Asked if the facility is capable of providing infant food to the entire Kazakhstan, T. Sharmanov responded that to that end five such plants as a minimum have to be constructed across the country. The KazNA President added that it was his intention to lobby initiatives on financing affiliated branch companies in the Government and in the Parliament of the country.



Дата добавления: 2015-05-16; просмотров: 804;

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