Travelling By Air

When travelling by air you have to get to the airport early in order to check in about an hour before your flight. If you have a lot of luggage, you can put it on a trolley and push it to the check-in desk where someone will check your ticket and weigh your luggage. If you have excess luggage, it can be expensive. Your heavy lug­gage is put on a conveyer belt and carried away. A light baggage is classified as hand luggage and you can take it with you on the plane. An immigration officer looks at your passport and a security guard checks your hand luggage before you go into the departure lounge to wait till your flight is called. If you want to, you can buy some cheap duty free goods here. Then you see on the departures board or hear an announcement that you must board your plane. You go through the departure gate, then (here is sometimes a secu­rity check before you actually enter the plane. When all the passen­gers are on board and when the captain and his crew are ready in the cockpit, the plane begins to taxi to the end of the runway. Final­ly, permission is received from the control tower and the plane moves faster and faster in order to take off.

Flying is fun. I like being in a big airliner with the cabin crew (stewards and stewardesses) looking after me. They walk up and down the aisle bringing meals and drinks; and if the flight is going through some turbulence, they warn everybody that it might be a bit bumpy and ask us to fasten our seat-belts. On a long flight I like listening to music through the headphones available to all passengers, and sometimes I have a sleep. I enjoy it all so much that 1 never want the plane to land.

Дата добавления: 2015-05-08; просмотров: 7534;

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