Living in the Dorm – Surviving College Dorm Life
You will be entering a new time in your life – a new home away from the home that you have known for years. Every student that comes to the college, living in the dorms does have their own routines, daily life habits and particular ‘ways’ about them. This being said, you will have to remember that living in a dorm will become like one over grown over sized extension of a family. Having to share space, telephones, televisions, bathrooms – with what will be strangers at first.
A student can adjust easily to this type of situation because of the many classes, studying hours and extra curricular activities that are scheduled for the full time student. Fitting your personal lifestyle in to these routines will not be so much of a challenge as one might think.
New roommate?! – Yes you will more than likely be sharing a small room with a total stranger – how will you adapt? Will you be friends? Many roommates become the best of friends while others just will never be friends. This is a life long learning experience about people that will educate you and other about how to interact with strangers on a daily personal basis.
Getting the most out of your roommate experience – start out on a good base. Learning to live in the same room / or house can be exciting and frightening for those of us who have never lived away from home before. You and your roommate will need to sit down, decide who will do what and when in regards to the cleaning of your space. This space could just consist of the floor in your room, or if you have a bathroom, the chores could include the scrubbing of the tub and the toilet. The sooner that the two of you agree on a schedule that will include the two of you working together the easier this transition will be. Neither of you will want to do the cleaning but there will be one else but the two of you.
Be flexible in your room. Every one has friends, visitors and study time – be considerate of your roommate and they in return will be considerate of your time, friends, and space.
Do not yell at your roommate. Discuss; try to communicate what you are upset about. Tell them why you do not want them using your stuff, bed, food etc. and give them a chance to apologize. The argument will be shorter and more to the point. If you were to start screaming you may not hear the end of the argument for days, which will stress out what relationship you did have with your roommate.
Дата добавления: 2015-05-08; просмотров: 832;