Pursuit and Courage Test (sixty points)


The helper runs away down the field, making threatening gestures at the dog‑handler team as he goes. On the judge’s command, the handler sends his dog to pursue the helper, who is now approximately fifty paces downfield. When the dog is about thirty paces away from him the helper turns around and runs directly toward the dog while at the same time making threatening motions (yelling and waving the stick menacingly). The dog should not hesitate: it should charge straight into the helper and bite. The helper fights the dog for five or six seconds, but without striking it with the stick, and he then freezes. The handler, who has remained in the spot from which he sent the dog, then commands the dog to “Out!” The handler should wait for the judge’s signal before going to his dog (approximately thirty seconds). At this point, he approaches the dog, searches the helper and confiscates the stick. The handler and dog then escort the helper to the judge. The handler walks on the helper’s right with the dog, on leash, walking between them. The dog should remain vigilant during the escort, but nicely at heel and under control. This exercise is called the side transport.

The judge evaluates the fighting instincts of the dog throughout the entire performance. The animal must show strong spirit and an intense desire to fight, and display a firm, full grip on the sleeve in order to receive maximum points. If, during any of the guarding phases (during the hold and bark or after the outs), the dog returns to its handler or is inattentive to the helper it may receive no more than a sufficient fighting drive evaluation from the judge (rather than pronounced). A dog that is not under the control of its handler, that does not release its grip when commanded to “Out!” or that refuses to bite during the courage test or the attack on handler will not pass the protection phase.


Дата добавления: 2015-05-08; просмотров: 722;

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