Long Down under Distraction (ten points)


In this exercise a dog performing obedience exercises is used as a distraction for another obedience competitor. At the beginning of one dog’s obedience exercise, the other dog is placed on a down stay. The handler heels the dog to the place indicated by the judge, removes the leash and downs the dog. He walks away approximately forty paces and then stands with his back to the dog. The dog must remain in the same position throughout the other dog’s first six obedience exercises. It receives a fraction of its points if it remains in the down position for the first three exercises. If the dog moves approximately three yards from its original position (regardless of when), no points will be awarded for the entire exercise.


While heeling through the group, the dog should be aware of people nearby, but should remain undisturbed and attentive to its handler. (Officer Kyle Howard and “Zorro”)


Retrieve over the meter jump. (Officer P. J. Walk and “Derry.”):

Дата добавления: 2015-05-08; просмотров: 854;

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