The microUnits.

Derivational affixes are ICs of numerous derivatives in all parts of speech.

Derivational affixes possess

two basic functions: 1) that of s t e m - b u i l d i n g which is

common to all affixational morphemes: derivational and non-derivational.

It is the function of shaping a morphemic sequence, or a word-form or a

phrase into the part of the word capable of taking a set of grammatical inflections

and is conditioned by the part-of-speech meaning these morphemes

possess; 1 2) that of w o r d - b u i l d i n g which is the function

of repatterning a derivational base and building a lexical unit of a structural

and semantic type different from the one represented by the source

unit. The repatterning results in either transferring it into the stem of another

part of speech or transferring it into another subset within the same

part of speech. For example, the d e r i v a t i o n a l s u f f i x -ness

applied to bases of different classes shapes d e r i v e d stems thus making

new words. In kindliness, girlishness, etc. it repatterns the adjectival

stems kindly-, girlish-, in second-rate-ness, allatonceness it turns the

phrases second rate, all at once into stems and consequently forms new

nouns. In most cases derivational affixes perform b o t h functions simultaneously

shaping derived stems and marking the relationship between

different classes of lexical items. However, certain derivational affixes

may in individual sets of words perform only one function that of stembuilding.



A de r i v a t i o n a l p a t t e r n is a r e g u l a r meaningful arrangement, a structure that imposes rigid rules on the order and the nature of the derivational bases and affixes that may be brought together. A pattern is a generalisation,

a scheme indicative of the type of ICs, their order and arrangement

which signals the part of speech, the structural and semantic

peculiarities common to all the individual words for which the pattern

holds true (or der. Pattern is a scheme on which words are made up):

im/person/a/liz/ation – pf+R+3sf (morphological composition)

impersonaliz/ation - v+sf= N (derivational pattern)


Дата добавления: 2015-03-11; просмотров: 2249;

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