
At present, Tomsk University has a reputation as one of the nation’s top educational institutions. TSU prides itself on providing a quality education in the humanities, social sciences, arts, business and sciences. The university includes 23 faculties:


Geology and Geography


Mechanics and Mathematics



Physics and Engineering

Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics

Computer Science





Foreign Languages



Physical Education

Military Education

Higher School of Business

International Faculty of Management

Law Institute

Institute of Arts and Culture

Institute of Biology, Ecology and Soil

Interregional Institute of Social Sciences


The most popular areas of study are business and management, computer science, psychology, foreign languages, sociology and law. Currently the student body consists of 23,000 undergraduates and 700 postgraduates. The University has 5 branches in Siberia and Kazakhstan. Five out of its nine academic buildings are located close together on the University grounds in the city centre and six halls of residence (dormitories) - in the southern part of Tomsk. Other facilities include: a Sports Complex with a swimming pool, gyms and a stadium, a Culture Centre with a Concert hall, the Computer Centre, the American and German Resource Centres, the Scientific library and a few museums. The University is headed by the Rector, the 1st Vice-Rector and six Vice-Rectors who are responsible for particular areas of activity (e.g. academic, economic, social, international activity).


The course of studies may last for 4, 5 or 6 years, leading to a Bachelor’s, Master’s and Specialist’s degrees or diplomas. In order to be admitted, school-leavers/high school graduates are to take some entrance exams and submit the results of national school tests. The entry competition is getting fiercer every year. In 2008, for example, 5,400 school-leavers applied to 1,600 budget places. The applicants arrived from Kemerovo, Altai and Krasnoyarsk territories, Kazakhstan and the Buryat Republic. Nearly a thousand applicants enrolled were from Tomsk and the Tomsk region.


The academic year is divided into 2 terms with a two-week vacation between them in winter and a two-month vacation in summer. At the end of each term students take midsessional (winter) and sessional exams (summer), usually 3 or 4 exams, and a number of credit tests. During term time undergraduates attend lectures, seminars, classes and tutorials. Lectures are normally given to large audiences, to all the groups of the same year, in spacious lecture rooms or lecture theatres. A lecturer delivers material, students listen and take notes. A lecture course may last one or two terms. Seminars and tutorials are held in smaller groups. Some courses require periods of practical training at schools and plants, in expeditions and field trips. Every student has a student ID card and a matriculation book / record book where his marks/grades are listed. Academic scholarships are available for most students. Attendance at University is not compulsory, perhaps, but highly desirable and monitored by the Deans’ administration. A student who failed an exam is usually allowed to retake it. In case of several failures and persistent absenteeism a student may be expelled. Some students drop out without completing a course.


Undergraduates are expected to write course papers. By writing them, they learn to do individual research, obtain information from various sources and draw their own conclusions. Computer labs are equipped with Internet connections, so students can have access to vast amounts of information and research materials. Course papers or other scientific papers may be presented at annual student conferences in April. Outstanding students are often rewarded for their progress in studies and research with special scholarships and grants. Successful graduates may apply to postgraduates departments and work towards getting the degree of a Candidate of Science.


Student life at University is more than just working on projects and attending classes. The University encourages student participation in non-academic activities: student clubs, volunteer and social activities. The Sports Complex provides health and fitness opportunities for everyone. Athletic teams regularly compete in games, athletics, swimming, marathon and other sports. Students are welcome to participate in music ensembles and vocal groups, theatrical productions, and student-run media. Generally speaking, students lead a busy and interesting life.


The complete undergraduate course ends with final exams and the defence of a graduation/diploma paper, after which the undergraduates are awarded degrees at the graduation ceremony.


Naturally, there are challenges to University life. First and foremost is financing. State financing has been cut considerably in recent years. Today more students are studying on a contract basis, paying tuition fees. There are other issues, too: students’ stipends might be bigger, there are not enough lecture rooms, there is a lack of audio, video and computer equipment, and so on. There are many things to be done and improved. But despite all this, University alumni, who currently work in almost every profession, always remember their student years with warm feelings.


Exercise 1. Read and learn the words.


To pride oneself on sth - гордиться чем-либо

Branch / a: / - филиал

Facilities сооружения; оборудование, помещения;

To admit (to/into) -принимать (в учреждение)

To submit - представить (на рассмотрение)

Entrance exams - вступительные экзамены

A term /semester - семестр

An academic year - учебный год

Midsessional exams - экзамены в середине года

Sessional exams - экзамены в конце года

Course paper - курсовая работа

To present a course paper - /pri’zent/ -представить курсовую работу

To attend classes - посещать занятия

To miss classes - пропускать занятия

Tutorial -семинар, консультация

To take an exam - держать, сдавать экзамен

To retake an exam - повторно сдавать экзамен

To pass an exam - сдать, выдержать экзамен

To fail an exam - провалить экзамен

To expel /iks’pel / - исключать, выгонять

To drop out - бросить занятия, выбыть

To reward sb ( for sth, with sth) - вознаграждать

To award degrees - присуждать степени

Tuition fees - плата за обучение

Considerably -значительно

Alumni / e‘l/\mnai / - бывшие студенты, выпускники

Alumnus - бывший студент, выпускник

Alumna - бывшая студентка, выпускница

Issue -вопрос, проблема

Currently /’k/\rntli / -в настоящее время, в данный момент

School-leavers, (high school graduates-Am) –выпускники школ

Applicant -кандидат, абитуриент

Compulsory / /\ / -обязательный

Credit test -зачет (прим: нет аналога в англ.)

To get a pass, to get a pass grade-сдать зачет, получить зачет по…

Matriculation book/record book-зачетная книжка

Examination period -экзаменационная сессия

To require -требовать

To obtain information -получать информацию

To encourage / /\ / -поощрять, поддерживать

To complete a course -завершить курс

Challenge -трудная задача, вызов

Lack of sth -нехватка, отсутствие


b)Pay attention to the pronunciation of the following words:

‘area, to be headed /e/, ‘budget / /\ /, ‘access /ks/, allow /au/, a’pply/ai/,

‘annual, to pre’sent, vast /a:/, ‘progress, mu’seum, south /au/,

southern / /\ /,en’semble /o, o/, /a,a-Am/, scholarship, grant, stipend.

psy’chology /sai/, sociology /s/.


Exercise 2. Study the vocabulary commentaries.

1) To graduate – to get a degree from a university or college.

e.g. He graduated from York with a degree in sociology.

A graduate (n) – a person who has a university degree: e.g. a graduate in history; a graduate of Oxford.

An undergraduate – a university or college student who is studying for their first degree. E.g. a first-year undergraduate.

A postgraduate – a person who already holds a first degree and who is doing advanced study or research.

2) Term – (esp. in Britain) – one of the three periods in the year during which classes are held in schools, universities. E.g. the spring / summer/ autumn term. It’s nearly the end of term.

Semester– (esp. in the US) – one of the two periods that the school or college year is divided into : the spring/fall semester.

3) Tuition – the act of teaching sth, especially to one person or to people in small groups. E.g. She received private tuition in French.

Tuition fees – money that you pay to be taught, esp. in a college or university.

Tutor – 1.a private teacher 2. a teacher whose job is to pay special attention to the studies or health, etc of a student or a group of students. E.g. his history tutor. He was my tutor at university.

Tutorial – a period of teaching in a university that involves discussion between an individual student or a small group of students and a tutor.

4) To apply – to make a formal request, usually in writing, for sth such as a job, a place at college, university, etc. E.g. to apply for a job/ grant; to apply to a company/ university.

Applicant– a person who makes a formal request for sth, for entrance to a school or university. E.g. There were over 500 applicants for the job.

5) Facilities – buildings, services, equipment, etc that are provided for a particular purpose. E.g. sports/ leisure facilities; conference facilities; cooking facilities; facilities for study.


Exercise 3. Answer the questions on the text.

1.How many students are enrolled at TSU today?

2. Where are the undergraduates from?

3. How many buildings and halls of residence does TSU have?

4. Where are they located?

5. What facilities are available to University people?

6. On what conditions are school-leavers admitted?

7. What degrees does the complete course of study lead to?

8. What terms is the academic year divided into?

9. When and how does each term end?

10.What kind of classes do undergraduates attend?

11.Is attendance at lectures compulsory?

12.Are there any chances for poor students to retake exams?

13.Are periods of practical training a necessary part of the study process?

14.What research projects do undergraduates do?

15.In what way are outstanding students rewarded?

16.What is the final stage towards getting a degree?

17.Are there any opportunities for postgraduate study at TSU?

18.Is education at TSU free of charge?

19. Are there any shortcomings in University life?

20. How do alumni usually remember their university years?


Exercise 4. Translate the following phrases into Russian.

A medical student. A science student. A postgraduate student. An overseas student. A student teacher. A student nurse. A student grant. Student fees. Students’ union. A good/able/bright/brilliant/outstanding student. A first-year/second-year student. Senior students.

To award diplomas. To win/receive/get an award for sth. An award ceremony.

Very often school-leavers /high school graduates need private tuition in maths. He tutors students in mathematics. Tutorials help to understand the material better.

She hasn’t passed her driving test yet. I’m not really expecting to pass first time. The examiner passed all the candidates. The examiner failed two candidates. They passed me in maths. She got a pass in French.

The committee will present its final report to Parliament in June. Are you presenting a paper at the conference? Eight options were presented for consideration.

To submit an application. Completed projects must be submitted by 10 March. When is the final date for the submission of proposals?

She was expelled after failing two exams. She was expelled from school at 12. She started a degree but dropped out after only a year. He has dropped out of active politics. College dropouts. A university with a high dropout rate.

Exercise 5. Make up your own sentences with the following words:

Top educational institutions, area of study, to be located, entrance exams, the entry competition, compulsory, to fail an exam, to complete a course, to work on sth, to be equipped with sth, to encourage sb/sth, to participate in non-academic activities, to provide, to award degrees, tuition fee.


Exercise 5. Make up your own sentences with the following words:

Top educational institutions, area of study, currently, to be located, entrance exams, entry competition, to last, to fail an exam, to complete a course, to write a course paper, to do research, to be equipped with sth, to work on projects, to encourage, to award degrees, tuition fee, alumni.


Exercise 6.Render the articles in English.



Студенты ТГУ завоевали рекордное количество наград во Всероссийском конкурсе на лучшую научную работу студентов по естественным, техническим и гуманитарным наукам в 2003-2008 годах.

Вузы Томска стали лидерами Сибирского округа по количеству наград, полученных студентами в конкурсах. За эти пять лет представители томских вузов получили 129 медалей «За лучшую научную студенческую работу» и 495 дипломов Министерства образования и науки РФ. На втором месте Новосибирская область – 95 медалей и 246 дипломов, на третьем – Омская область (27м,103д).

Безусловным лидером по количеству наград стал ТГУ. Студенты нашего университета за пять лет завоевали 71 медаль и 228 дипломов, в то время как студенты ТПУ – 36 медалей и 196 дипломов, а студенты ТУСУРа – 18 медалей и 50 дипломов.



В конце января в Москве состоялось совещание ректоров вузов России с представителями Министерства образования, на котором присутствовал и ректор нашего университета Г.В. Майер. Совещание было посвящено «особенностям» 2009 года, которые повлияют на дальнейшую жизнь вузов. По словам министра образования А.А. Фурсенко, вузы ожидает сложный период – падение платежеспособности населения, инфляционные процессы, увеличение числа безработных. Могут возникнуть проблемы и с новым набором из-за неблагоприятной демографической ситуации.

Очень важной проблемой является трудоустройство выпускников, в этом году планируется выпустить примерно 700 тысяч человек. Существует достаточно большой риск, что многие выпускники не смогут найти себе работу, особенно с гуманитарными специальностями – педагоги, экономисты и так далее. Поэтому вузы сегодня должны более активно заботиться о трудоустройстве питомцев, заключать договоры с компаниями-работодателями.

В нашем университете о сокращении бюджетных средств говорить, к счастью, пока не приходится, они выделены примерно в том же объеме, что и в прошлом году- на оплату труда, оборудование, ремонт. Удалось даже получить деньги на продолжение строительства общежития – 400 млн. рублей на 2009 год.

Правительством утверждены 80 показателей оценки эффективности работы вуза. Трижды в год – в апреле, июне и ноябре – мы будем проходить аттестацию по этим показателям. И от ее успешности зависит, получит ли университет дополнительный фонд оплаты труда.

- Наступают непростые времена и для университета, и для каждого его сотрудника,-считает ректор ТГУ Г.В. Майер.- Но я не вижу никаких оснований для паники, не стоит нагнетать ситуацию. Мы преодолеем этот кризис, и главная наша задача – не потерять свой потенциал.



Профессор нашего университета О.П. Толбанов победил в областном конкурсе «Человек года-2008» в номинации «Ученый года». Поздравляем Олега Петровича с победой и желаем дальнейших успехов в научной деятельности.


Зам. Директора по дневному обучению ЮИ: - Эта сессия прошла достаточно ровно. Если честно, мы ожидали худших результатов из-за напряженности в экономических процессах. Но ребята, наверное, понимают сейчас как никогда всю важность сохранить свои места в университете, вот и стараются. 63 % наших студентов сдали сессию на 4 и 5. Это хороший результат. В целом прошедшая сессия не стала особенной. Как и всегда, тяжелее всех она далась первокурсникам, которые только вливаются в учебный процесс.

Зам.декана ФилФ: - Если говорить о том, как студенты сдали эту сессию по сравнению с предыдущими – очевидно, что ситуация становится все хуже, и количество студентов, не сдавших сессию вовремя, все время растет. Специально, чтобы выяснить, что происходит, мы провели на факультете анкетирование. Преподаватели видят причину в том, что студенты становятся слабее и они не читают книг. Действительно, система образования построена так, что чтение является непродуктивным занятием. Легче лекции читать, критику…

Студенты называют нехватку времени как основную причину невозможности подготовиться ко всем занятиям одинаково. Они жалуются на перегрузку, и, наверное, тоже где-то правы. Опять же многие студенты работают и поэтому не могут получить, например, зачет по физкультуре. (газета Alma Mater, февраль 2009 года.)


Дата добавления: 2014-12-08; просмотров: 1568;

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