An Excursion into the Past.

Below you see some photos from the University museum.

a) Act as a guide and explain who the people in the photos are or what events are shown to a group of English-speaking visitors.

b) As a visitor to the museum, ask your guide questions on the events and people shown in the photos.

2. The University in the 20th Century


In 1931 the Medical Faculty was transformed into the Medical Institute. In 1933 the University had 4 faculties: Physics and Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Geology-Geography-Soil. In 1940 the History Faculty was reopened. The Siberian Physics and Technical/Engineering Research Institute was established in 1928, and the Mechanics and Mathematics Research Institute – in 1932. They were opened because as a classic university, TSU is based both on educational and research schools. The leading scientists conducted research in fundamental and applied physics, mathematics, chemistry, geology, biology, cooperating with industrial enterprises and the defence industry. Before the start of the Great Patriotic War there were over 2,000 students.


Though the University was far from the front line, it endured all the hardships of war time. It experienced shortage of fuel, electricity and water supplies. The residence halls and the Biology institute were occupied by hospitals. But as before, its 6 faculties continued to work. University professors taught, conducted research and worked in defence industries. Over a thousand students, professors and maintenance staff joined the Red Army and fought in battles. 158 of them died on the battlefields. Their names can be seen now on a memorial board in the University grounds. Outstanding professors M.Bolshanina, V.Kuznetsov, A.Savinikh, K.Vodopianov, and V.Reverdatto established the country’s first committee of scientists to promote the development of industry, transport and agriculture in war time.


After the Great Patriotic War a new stage in the development of TSU began. During the war the main building that housed a defence plant deteriorated and needed repairs. There was also an acute shortage/lack of lecture rooms and accommodation for teachers and students. Sometimes 10-20 students shared a room in a residence hall ( 17 Nikitin Street). In September 1945 there were 1056 undergraduates, most of the 425 first-year students were ex-servicemen. Some faculties were reorganized and some new ones were opened as the national economy demanded specialists in new fields. In 1955 TSU had eight faculties and forty-seven fields of specialization. .


In the post-war period a number of outstanding scientific schools operated within the university, among them the school of Academic Kuznetsov and Professor Bolshanina in metallophysics, Professor Prilezhayeva and Kudriavtseva in spectroscopy, Professor Khakhlov in paleontology, Professor Bazhenov in geology of rare metals.


The period from 1960 to 1980 saw further growth of the University. During that time building 2, some halls of residence at 49 Lenin st., research institutes, a new scientific library, a sports complex and a summer camp in Kireevsk were built. In 1962 the Physics and Engineering /Technical Physics faculty was opened and in 1963 the Economics and Law faculties got the status of independent faculties. The total number of faculties increased to 12. New scientific trends and schools arose in physics (V.Zuev and Presnov), cybernetics (F.Tarasenko), history (A. Danilov, Mogilnitsky), economics (A.Bytchkov) and others.


Дата добавления: 2014-12-08; просмотров: 1167;

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