
Задание 1.Прослушайте диалоги. Воспроизведите следующие диалоги в парах:


Mother: Glad to see you, Pete. We are going to have dinner. Will you join us?

Pete: Thank you, very much. I'm not hungry as I've had a late breakfast.

Mother: What did you have for breakfast?

Pete: Boiled eggs, a cheese sandwich and a cup of tea.

Mother: Dinner is ready. Take your seat, please. For the first course I'll give you cabbage soup.

Pete: Oh, it is to my taste.

Mother: Help yourself, Pete. Do you want a piece of ham? I think it is tender today. Here is a very nice piece.

Pete: Oh, it is so delicious. Thank you very much, Mother. I think I'll help you to wash up the dishes.


Nick: Is this table free, waiter?

Waiter: Yes, sir. The menu, please.

Nick: Well, Mary, are you hungry?

Mary: I'm not very hungry. I think I'll have some meat with vegetables and something for a sweet.

Waiter: What do you wish, sir?

Nick: Please, give us roast beef, salad, mushrooms, two coffees and ice-cream.

Waiter: Will you have anything to drink?

Mary: Mineral water and a bottle of wine, please.

Nick: What have we to pay, waiter?

Waiter: Here is the bill.

Nick: Thank you very much.

Задание 2.Составьте предложения, пользуясь образцами:

1) A. : - I want some coffee, please.

B. : - I haven't got any coffee. Would you like some tea instead?

: - Yes, please. I'll have some tea.

Используйте слова: tea, milk, lemonade, beer.

2) A. : - Shall I bring you some tea now?

B. : - No, bring me some coffee instead.

Используйте слова: orange juice, cornflakes, wheat flakes, bacon and eggs, sausages and eggs.

3) A. : - I want some bananas, please.

B. : - I haven't got any bananas. Would you like some apples instead?

: - Yes, please. I'll have some apples.

Используйте слова: plums, oranges, pears, apricots, peaches.

Задание 3.Составьте диалог, используя следующие слова и выражения:

a menu, what would you like to start with?, will you have …, the main course, let me see…, to hate, I'd rather, for a change I'll start with … and have …, to have the same, what will you have to follow?, can I have the bill?

Задание 4.Выучите следующие пословицы:

1. Hungry as a hunter. – Голодный как волк.

2. The fat is in the fire. – Дело уже сделано.

3. The nearer the bone, the sweeter the flesh. – Чем ближе к кости, тем слаще мясо.

4.As the tree, so the fruit. – Яблоко от яблони недалеко падает.

Дата добавления: 2014-12-21; просмотров: 1044;

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