Rendering of Trite and Original Devices


A translator should be fully aware of the degree of expressiveness of stylistic devices used in the text. A line of distinction must be drawn between what is stylistically trite and what is stylistically original. It especially refers to lexical stylistic devices: deliberate mixing of words belonging to different layers of the vocabulary, metaphors, metonymies, epithets, similes, etc. stylistic equivalence is a fundamental requirement.

Publicist and newspaper styles have different accepted norms in English and in Ukrainian and in conformity with these norms certain stylistic modifications may be necessary. For instance, colloquial and even slang words are frequently used in English newspaper style and therefore a typical modification in translating English newspaper texts into Ukrainian is a switch from colloquial or neutral to literary. Such changes are due to a somewhat greater orientation of Ukrainian newspaper style towards literary norms and standards.

You don’t have to be a history buff to enjoy historic houses in Britain but it helps.

Не треба бути істориком-педантом, щоб насолоджуватися відвідуванням історичних будівель, але це допомагає.


The word “buff” is a highly colloquial, if not slangy word, meaning “a dull, slow-witted person” (Webster III). In the translation its stylistic reference is elevated and it is rendered by a literary word (педант).

A certain toning down is sometimes necessary in the translation of such lexical stylistic devices used in newspaper articles as metaphors, metaphoric epithets and metonymies.

Metaphors are found in all emotively coloured styles of language but metaphors in the Belles-Lettres style (in imaginative prose) are usually original whereas original metaphors in newspaper style are rare, trite metaphors are, as a rule, given preference. The object pursued by editorials to bring the reader round to the paper’s point of view, to suggest that paper’s interpretation is the only correct one. Editorials appeal not only to the reader’s mind but to his feelings as well. That accounts for an extensive use of various stylistic devices, metaphors in particular. But unlike metaphors in imaginative prose metaphors in editorials can be easily replaced if necessary. Such substitution may be caused by different usage, different valency or different TL norms.


The communists were the friends of peace in the foul weather of the cold war.

Комуністи були вірними захисниками миру в суворі дні холодної війни.


The collocation сувора погода холодної войни would violate the norm of Ukrainian stylistic usage as would the combination друзі миру.

Toning down is resorted to in translating trite metonymies which are so extensively used in English.

Red carpet for the Oil Prince

Britain is pushing the boat out this week for the first official visit by one of the world’s most powerful man, Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia and the most influential voice in world politics.

Пишна зустріч нафтового володаря

Англія посилено готується до першого офіційного візиту цього тижня одного з наймогутніших людей світу – наслідного принца і прем’єр-міністра Саудівської Аравії, людини, чий голос має вирішальне значення в міжнародній політиці.


The headline metonymy (red carpet) is replaced by the words expressing the notion which it stands for (пишна зустріч).

The second metonymy is preserved by means of addition.


Дата добавления: 2017-05-18; просмотров: 799;

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