Levels of equivalence
Equivalence may occur at different linguistic levels: phonetic, word building, morphological, at word level, at phrase level, at sentence level and finally at text level.
Phonetic level of Equivalence
The sound form of corresponding English and Ukrainianwords seldom coincide, consequently this level of equivalence is not common and is of primary importance only in poetic translation.
Word-building Level of Equivalence
e.g.: irresponsible – безвідповідальний; unpredictable – непередбачений; counterbalance – противага, еtс.
Morphological Level of Equivalence
e.g.: The report’s proposals were handed to a political committee.
Пропозиції звіту були передані політичному комітету.
Equivalence at Word Level
e.g.: She clasped her hands round her handbag. (Agatha Christie).
Вона міцно стиснула в руках свою сумочку.
Equivalence of Phrase Level
Equivalence at phrase level is of two kinds: a SL word corresponds to a TL phrase (to negotiate – вести переговори), a SL phrase corresponds to a TL word (Hippies are in revolt against an acquisitive society. – Хiппi повстають проти споживацього суспільства).
Equivalence at Sentence Level
It occurs: a) in phraseology – two is company, three is none – третій зайвий; b) in orders and regulations – keep off the grass – по газону не ходити.
Equivalence at Text Level
It is usual in the translation of poetry as seen in the translation of William Blake’s stanza by S. Marshak.
1. To see a World in a Grain of Sand,
2. And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
3. Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
4. And Eternity in an hour.
(W. Blake, Auguries of Innocence)
В одно мгновенье видеть вечность,
Огромный мир – в зерне песка,
В единой горсти – бесконечность
И небо – в чашечке цветка.
The translation by S.Marshak may be regarded as excellent. The text as a unity is reproduced most fully and this conception of unity justifies the change in the order of the lines within the stanza.
A strict observance of equivalence at all levels ensures a similar reaction on the part of the S and T language receptors and can be achieved by means of functional substitutions.
7. Types of translation
The following three types of translation can be distinguished: equivalent translation, literal translation and free translation.
Equivalent translation
Equivalent translation has been considered in the preceding pages. Achieving equivalence is the goal aimed at in translation.
Дата добавления: 2017-05-18; просмотров: 1308;