Participle II (причастие II) употребляется в функции определения и занимает место перед определяемым существительным или является частью причастного оборота, следующего за существительным. Оно переводится на русский язык причастиями страдательного залога:

broken vase – разбитая ваза

stolen money – украденные деньги

his last published novel – его последний опубликованный роман

I know that man arrested by the police. Я знаю человека, арестованного полицией.

Some people invited to the party couldn’t come. Некоторые люди, приглашенные на вечеринку, не смогли прийти.

See also Lessons 10 and 12.

Task 8.. Translate the sentences into Russian and indicate Participle II:

1. The books written by this author are extremely popular.

2. He always wears clothes made in Italy.

3. The questions put to the professor were rather interesting.

4. My friend liked the video bought last week.

5. She understood every word said by him.

6. They bought the house built many years ago.


Task 9. Make one sentence from two using Participle II.

1. I lost the key. I didn’t find it. I didn’t find the lost key.

2. The letter was written by him. It was very long.

3. The man was hit by the car. We took him to hospital.

4. Many new shops are opened in our town. They are very cheap.

5. Look at this big red car. It is parked near mine.

6. There are many houses in this street. They were broken by the storm.


Task 10. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the two oldest universities founded in Britain?

2. Why are they superior to other universities?

3. What periods are known as waves of expansion of higher education?

4. What subjects do most universities in Britain teach?

5. What are the main degrees in the British educational system?

6. How can one get these degrees?

7. Why wasn’t it possible anymore to provide free education and give grants?

8. Why are there big debates over university fees?


Task 11. True or false?

1. Oxford and Cambridge are higher in status than other British universities.

2. Higher education began to expand after foundation of Oxford and Cambridge.

3. 20 years ago there were more university students than nowadays.

4. English students usually go to a university near their home.

5. To get the Bachelor’s degree one must do a research work.

6. To become PhD one needn’t pass examinations.

7. Excellent students in Britain receive grants from the government.

8. Some people can’t afford higher education.


Task 12. Make up the summary of the text using the previous Tasks.

Additional reading

Дата добавления: 2016-10-17; просмотров: 997;

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