Analogue translation is given preference in a more popular text, such as one in literary or magazine register. When it comes to the selection between a loan form and its analog, authors would prefer a form clearer to the receptor. For example, whereas medical professionals would use the word летальный, journalists and writers would rather write смертельный to render lethal. Similarly, the equivalents to the term hemostasis would be split for two registers: гемостаз used in medicine, and остановка кровотечения used for a common receptor.

To comment on the meaning of a new or unknown term, a translator must explain it: runaways – предприятия, переведенные на другую территорию или за границу.

In fiction, terms and professionalisms can function as the speech record of a character showing his or her vocation, education, breeding, environment and sometimes even psychology. For example, in A. Hailey’s The Final Diagnosis, medical terms in the speech of the heroes characterize their profession, some of their traits as well as their experience and sometimes sufferings: “Goleman spoke carefully. ‘The nurse student – the one who had her leg amputated. I dissected the limb this morning. You were right. I was wrong. It was malignant. Osteogenic sarcoma without a doubt.’ ”159 Russian literature is famous for A. Checkov’s speech portraits, the example being noncom Prishibeyev’s self-portrait: “Я не мужик, я унтер-офицер, отставной каптенармус, в Варшаве служил, в штабе-с, а после того, изволите знать, как в чистую вышел, был в пожарных-с, а после того по слабости болезни ушел из пожарных и два года в мужской классической прогимназии в швейцарах служил…”

Another function of the term in fiction is to create a technical overtone, showing the surroundings in which the plot develops. For instance, in his novel Wheels, A. Hailey depicts a large automobile plant. J. Grisham in his A Time to Kill describes the court of law. Use of the appropriate mechanical and law terms facilitates this.

To preserve this function it is not necessary to translate each term by its precise technical equivalent. What is important is to keep the professional overtone of the text, so that it is possible to translate some terms and reduce those that are irrelevant to the content.

A well-considered substitution of the term may be required if the term is unknown to both the translator and the receptor. An extract from Ilf and Petrov’s Двенадцать стульев can illustrate the idea: Елена Станиславовна имела о плашках в 3/8-х дюйма такое же представление, какое имеет о сельском хозяйстве слушательница хореографических курсов им. Леонардо да Винчи. The word плашки denotes a rare plumbing tool, not normally known to a non-expert. So it can be substituted with another name. In this case the translator uses the transformation called differentiation.

If used in its connotative poetic meaning, the term may be substituted with a word associated with another poetic image. For instance, in a lyrical text about spring the Russian черемуха can be translated into Japanese by sakura, into English by cherry-tree.

If the term is used in fiction to create a contrast between a neutral and colloquial vocabulary, the translator’s aim is to preserve the contrast: Вот сделаю тракцию и начну зуб тянуть. (Чехов) I’ll do the traction and will start pulling out the tooth.

Дата добавления: 2016-08-07; просмотров: 773;

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