Su-35 multi- role fighter
On the world fighter market Russia’s Sukhoi is pinning its hopes, in the near future, on a substantially modernized Su-35 multi-role fighter. The model must be an interim type between today’s Su-30MK in various configurations and a prospective fifth-generation fighter, whose deliveries may start in the second half of the next decade. The Su-35 is a 4++ generation aircraft employing technologies of the fifth gene-
ration. They make it superior to all other 4th generation fighters now under development worldwide. In 2009-2015, thanks to these technologies, the Su-35 will dominate the world market, outperforming other proposed multi-role fighters.
The first experimental Su-35, completed in summer 2007 at Komsomolsk-na-
Рис. 8. Su-35 multi-role fighter
Amure Aviation Production Association (KnAAPO) first appeared at Russia’s MAKS-2007 air show.
A new aircraft with an old name
The Su-35 has long been a brand name in the aviation world. Since 1992, an export version of the Su-27 fighter (created under the order of the Russian Air Force) has been demonstrated at international air shows. At the turn of the millennium, Su-35 fighters participated in the tenders of Korean and Brazilian air forces. By the mid-decade of the new century, a general concept emerged of a considerably modified Su-27 fighter, which retained the name of Su-35.
What is new in the Su-35? First off, the fighter will get an improved airframe, which will dramatically increase its service life to 6,000 hours, 30 years of operation (the time before the first test and recondition and the between-repairs period has been increased to 1,500 hours, or 10 years of operation). Aerodynamically it is similar to the Su-27. But unlike the Su-30MKI it will feature no canard fins. All the three channels will have electrically signaled control without mechanical cabling. The use of a new integrated control system (developed by MNPK Avionika Moscow-based Research and Production Association) simultaneously performing functions of several systems – remote control, automatic control, limiting signals system, air signals system, chassis wheels braking system – will enhance the fighter’s handling capability and maneuverability.
Among the Su-35 design features, worth of note is the absence of an overhead brake flap, a standard characteristic of the Su-27. Its functions are performed by an active rudder. The Su-35 chassis has been reinforced because of the increased takeoff and landing weight of the aircraft. For the same reason, the front bearing has two wheels. The improved radar stealth reduces the reflectance of the Su-35 in the X radio waveband and in the angle range of ±60°.
The “heart” of the aircraft
Another important difference of the Su-35 from predecessors from the Su-27 family is the use, in its power plant, of new engines with an increased thrust. Those engines, known as 117S, have been developed by NPO Saturn Research and Production Association.
In terms of engineering, the engines are substantially modified AL-31F production engines employing fifth-generation technologies. They use a new fan, new high and low pressure turbines, and a new digital control system. A provision is made for using a vectored thrust nozzle. The modernization has increased the engine special mode thrust by 16%, up to 14,500 kgf. In the maximum burner-free mode it reaches 8,800 kgf. Compared to today’s AL-31F engines, their capabilities will grow substantially, by 2 to 2.7 times. For instance, the between-repair period will grow from 500 to 1,000 hours (the operating period before the first overhaul is 1,500 hours). The designed period will vary between 1,500 and 4,000 hours.
The 117S engines will be co-produced by Ufa-based Motor Building Association and Rybinsk-based NPO Saturn Research and Production Association. The first production 117S engines were delivered to KnAAPO in early 2007 for testing on the first experimental Su-35 aircraft.
New onboard systems
The distinctive feature of Su-35 is the employment of a new suite of onboard instruments. Its core is the information management system (IMS), which integrates functional, logical, informational and software subsystems into a single complex that ensures the interaction between the crew and equipment. The IMS includes two central digital computers, commutation and information devices and an indication system built on the “all-glass cockpit” concept.
The core of the Su-35 cockpit instrumentation suite are two full-color multi-function liquid crystal displays of MFI type, a multi-function panel with a built-in display processor, a wide angle collimatory display on the windshield and a control and indication panel.
MFI multi-function displays with a built-in processor measure 9 x 12 inches (diagonal 15 inches) and have a resolution of 1400x1050 pixels. They are intended for reception, processing and production, in a multiple window mode, of graphic, numeric, alphabetic and symbolic information. They also present televised information received from onboard TV sensors and impose on it synthesized numeric, alphabetic and symbolic information. Besides, they produce and send video signals in a digital format to the video record unit. The multi-function panel with a built-in display processor presents the required information and issues commands by pushing the buttons on the button array at any time in flight. The airborne collimatory display with a built-in processor monitors the space beyond the cockpit. The information is processed by control signals.
The collimator angle of view is 20x30о.
The onboard systems and armament in the new cockpit of Su-35 are controlled by buttons and switches on the aircraft control joystick and engine control levers as well as by a button array on multi-function displays. Thus the HOTAS concept is realized on this type of aircraft. The displays and some other avionics systems of Su-35 are developed by Instrument Design Bureau of Ramenskoye and affiliated companies of Tekhnokompleks Research and Production Association.
Eyes and ears
The core of the Su-35 armament is a new radar control system with a phased antenna array (Irbis-E). It features unique capabilities in terms of the target detection range. This is a development V V Tikhomirov Research Institute of Instrument Production. In design, this is an X-waveband multi-role radar with a passive phased antenna array (PAA) mounted on a two-step hydraulic drive unit (in azimuth and roll). The antenna device scans by an electronically controlled beam in azimuth and angle of elevation in sectors not smaller than 60°. The two-step electro-hydraulic drive unit additionally turns the antenna by mechanic means to 60° in azimuth and 120° in roll. Thus, in using the electronic control and mechanical additional turn of the antenna, the maximum deflection angle of the beam grows to 120°.
Irbis-E radar control system detects and tracks up to 30 air targets, retaining continuity of space observation and engaging up to eight targets. The system detects, chooses and tracks up to four ground targets in several map-making modes with various resolution at a range of up to 400 km, without stopping to monitor the airspace.
Irbis-E radar detects air targets with an absolute cross section of 3 m2 on a head-on course at a range of up to 400 km.
Being an improvement on radars with a PAA, Irbis has much better capabilities: expanded (by more than twice) operating frequency band, increased from 70о to 120о target detection and tracking zone in azimuth, substantially (by 2-2.5 times) increased effective range, improved anti-jamming capability, etc. In this aspect, Irbis is comparable to the best foreign counterparts, outperforming most of the US- and Wes-European-made radars with passive and active PAA.
The Research Institute has been developing Irbis since 2004. By now, the engineering prototypes of the system have passed the required bench trials. The first of them has been installed on the Su-30MK2 flying laboratory and is undergoing flight tests. The first flight of the flying laboratory with Irbis onboard occurred in early 2007 at Gromov Flight Test Institute. During the flight, the laboratory proved the superior performance of the new radar in the air-to-surface operating mode.
Among other new onboard systems of the Su-35 is modern navigation and radio communication equipment, systems maintaining fighters operation in a formation and a highly efficient electronic countermeasures suite. The component package of the latter and its complementation with specific jamming devices can be determined by the customer.
In addition to the armaments onboard the modern Su-30MK, it is planned to additionally arm the Su-35 with new types of air-to-air and air-to-surface guided missiles, including long-range types. The maximum ordnance load of the Su-35 is 8,000 kg. This is placed in 12 weapon stations.
Status of the program
Nowadays, the first flying prototype of Su-35 is undergoing ground tests. Its first flight took place on February 19, 2008. Following the first prototype, now on the assembly line of KnAAPO (Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Production Association) are a further two examples of Su-35. Those will join the tests this year. The production and delivery of Su-35s to customers are scheduled for 2010. They will continue with the emergence of a fifth-generation fighter on the market.
Рис. 9. Sukhoi Superjet 100
Sukhoi Superjet 100 aeroplane family is being developed based on the principle of maximum standardization of frame assemblies and systems, viz.: wings, fins, chassis, engine unit, crew cabin, basic aeroplane systems and component parts.
The standardization of the design will make it possible to improve the economic performance of the aeroplane family operation with expenditures kept at a rational level.
The aerodynamics and design of the aeroplanes of the family are based on proven advanced technology to minimise technical risks at the stage of design, testing and operation.
To broaden the customer base among airlines, each of the 2 standard sizes of the aeroplanes of the family (for 75 and 95 seats)has a basic and a LR modification designed for use on a network of various-length routes to make it possible for airlines to improve the economic performance of their operations through a more balanced composition of their fleets based on the route structure and passenger flows.
The Sukhoi Superjet 100 aeroplane family conforms to current and long-range requirements of Russian and global market in commercial aeroplanes. The design meets the specific requirements of airlines in Russia, the CIS, and western countries,
and conforms to the Aviation Rules AP-25, FAR-25, JAR-25 requirements.
The Sukhoi Superjet 100 family aeroplanes conform to the ground noise level requirements under ICAO Chapter 4 and FAR 36 Section 4 standards to come into force 2006.
The M&R system provides for annual up time up to 3,600 FH
Aeroplane frame design service life:
· basic: 70,000 FH, 70,000 takeoff and landing cycles
· LR: 70,000FH, 70,000 takeoff and landing cycles.
Engine design service life:
· to first dismounting: 16,000 FH.
· total life: 36,000FH.
The aftersales support of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 aeroplane family is based on the state-of-the-art principles followed in world practices.
Compatibility with 99% of the class A, B and C aerodrome profiles in Russia and the and the CIS.
Long sea-coasts, abundance of rivers and lakes, coupled with other hard-to-reach areas in different regions of the world are the right places for the Be-103 light operation. A most attractive and universal feature of the aircraft is its ability to operate from both paved and unpaved runways, as well as from inland water reservoirs and offshore waters.
The aircraft is a low-wing monoplane featuring +-type tail unit consisting of vertical fin with rudder and horizontal allmoving stabiliser, and tricycle landing gear with nose wheel. The power plant includes two TCM IO-360 piston engines mounted on horizontal pylons on either side of the fuselage. The low wing creates a considerable aerofoil effect at takeoff and landing, thus ensuring a three-point skimming capability (planning step, starboard and portside centre wing trailing edges).
Be – 103
Рис. 10. The Be-103 amphibian
The Be-103 amphibian is designed for a variety of applications, namely:
· passenger transportation and administrative and liaison operations;
· transportation of small-sized cargo and mail;
· emergency medical assistance;
· forestry monitoring and water ecology monitoring with water sampling capability;
· maritime border patrolling and air photography;
· pleasure trips and tourism.
The aircraft is of riveted design, made of aluminum alloys with special rust-protective coatings to ensure operation in all climatic conditions. It also features titanium alloys, polymers and glass-reinforced plastics. The materials were chosen to ensure the required strength and weight characteristics, the set service life as well as given fire safety and survivability requirements. The airframe is a one-piece structure consisting of the boat, the centre wing section, the fin and engine pylons. The detachable parts include detachable wing sections (cantilevers), the horizontal stabiliser, the rudder and nacelles. The Be-103 systems and equipment comprises the fire-fighting system, the control system, the hydraulic system, the heating and ventilating system, the anti-icing system and the flight control and navigation equipment.
The Be-103 amphibian is fitted with two US Teledyne Continental Motors 210 hp TCM IO-360ES4 air-cooled piston engines. The power plant ensures reliable startup of engines in a wide variety of temperatures (from +45°C to –55°С),
and provides for comfortable conditions in the cockpit, complying with noise and emissions requirements. The two engines allow flying at an altitude of 3,000 m at a speed of 250 km/h to the ranges of up to 1,180 km. The engines are operated along with the MTV-12 three-blade reverse-pitch propellers designed by MT-Propeller, Germany.
Elements of the radio communications, flight-control and navigation equipment, as well as the aircraft systems control panels are accommodated on the instrument panel, the central, the upper and the side consoles in the cockpit. This equipment provides for self-sufficiency during flight preparation or aircraft maintenance, as well as VFR and IFR manual flight modes, in daytime and at night, in any season and any region of the world. Also, it allows fulfilling the following tasks: a 10-minute preflight preparation; continuous measuring of the aircraft present position, the set track angle and lateral deviation; ICAO Category I manual approach; measuring of the flight altitude, vertical speed and airspeed, and outside air temperature; indication and warning of operating limitations and critical flight conditions.
The Be-103 amphibian is equipped with the Bendix/King radio communications, flight-control and navigation equipment including:
· KX 165 radio navigation and communication system, operating
· KY 196A radio operating within the band of 118-136.975 MHz
· KMA 28/29 intercom
· C 2400L4VT magnetic compass
· KR 87 automatic direction finder
· KCS 55A compass system
· KT 70 aircraft responder
· KLN 94 satellite navigation system with 1,602-1,616 MHz frequency band
· KEA 130A aneroid altimeter
· P/N 8000 airspeed indicator
· P/N 7040 vertical speed indicator
· P/N 9551B gyro turn and slip indicator
· AI-330 attitude indicator
· 307FC outside air temperature indicator
o The following auxiliary equipment can also be installed:
· RDR-2000 or RDR-1400 weather radar
· KAP-140or KFC-150 autopilo
· KRA 405 radio altimetert
The navigation system of the Be-103 aircraft comprising the KLN 89B satellite navigation system, the KR 87 radio compass, the KX 165 radio navigation and communication system and the KT 70 responder allows the pilot to find the actual position of the aircraft and pick up heading, take the bearings of radio stations and listen to weather reports and commercial radio stations.
The sea-going capabilities of the aircraft ensure its operation in sea state 2 (with 0.5 m high waves). There are waterproof bulkheads separating the boat and the wing compartments to ensure floodability if part of the hull is flooded. The landing gear wells are also waterproof and are separated from the inside of the boat. The Be-103 can be operated both at berthed and free waters, using floating assets and without them. The aircraft can independently climb soft slopes on the shore and set itself afloat from the shore. The stationary slipway has winches that can be attached to bow snatch cleats or the stern lug to help climb or descend the aircraft. When afloat the aircraft can be tugged by a boat with the help of a special kapron cord. At anchorage the aircraft is moored with the help of the anchor tab attached to snatch cleats. The cabin houses seagoing equipment, including a drag-anchor, a heaving line, a boat hook and water-resistant gloves. Also, a special pump is provided to drain water out of the compartments.
The Be-103 Amphibian Certificates
Aircraft Type Certificate (USA) (application/pdf, 395 KB)
The Type Certificate Data Sheet (USA) (application/pdf, 86 KB)
Aircraft Type Certificate (Brazil) (application/pdf, 601 KB)
Дата добавления: 2016-05-16; просмотров: 817;