Accidents of Science

Sir Alexander Fleming (1881-1955) had a colleague who until quite recently still worked at St. Mary's Hospital, London. According to this colleague, the discovery of penicillin would never have happened if one day in 1928 a piece of mould had not floated in through an open window (possibly from the pub opposite) and landed on a glass plate Fleming was using in an experiment. The plate was covered with a nasty bacterium called staphylococcus.

A less observant scientist might have dumped it straight in the bin, but Fleming noticed there were no bacteria near the green mould. In tests, he discovered that the mould also killed other bacteria, yet could be given to animals with no obvious side-effects. The discovery, which became known as penicillin, was the first antibiotic, and was able to combat a host of fatal bacterial diseases. Finally, in 1945, Fleming and two other scientists shared a Nobel Prize for the discovery that was to save millions of lives.


Firstly, what do you want work to do for you?

Be prepared to ask yourself deep and direct questions about what you really want from a career. Right now, you might be thinking that all you want is a big salary or to do something worthwhile. But is that really what will motivate you on a daily basis?

Looking for a career is like looking for a new partner - your life goals need to match. Ask yourself what you want from life. You will need to analyse yourself closely: put yourself and your lifestyle preferences under the microscope. Think about what you enjoy doing the most with your time. Take a look around you - note down particular jobs and fields that inspire you.

Secondly, what do you have to offer?

Any sales rep will tell you that you have to know your product inside out to sell it effectively. In job-hunting, the product is YOU. You need to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Asking close friends can be one way, but you have to be sure they're being honest. Think about achievements and successes you've had, and analyse what you did to make them happen. Do the same for failures and disappointments. Decide if any of your weaknesses will get in the way of your perfect job. If they will, then set about addressing your weaknesses immediately.

The next question: where can you find the ideal job?

The ideal job won't just suddenly arrive - you'll have to work hard to find it. There are the traditional ways: newspaper advertisements, trade press, company websites, internet searches, and recruitment agencies. But also look at the bigger picture. The best, most fulfilling jobs often come to those who spot opportunities before they are advertised. Look around you. What trends have been happening in the industry or sector you're interested in? What changes and developments are going to happen? How can you be part of them? Don't be frightened to seize the opportunity - it may change your life for the better.

And finally: what's involved in the application process?

The different stages of applying for a job are fairly well-known: prepare a basic CV, research the job details and company background, tailor your CV, write a personalized covering letter, send it ... and then start preparing for the interview. However, the important thing to remember is that each stage is an opportunity for you to show your potential employer what you can offer.

One final piece of advice: enjoy the process. If you're enjoying it, then there's more of you involved - and that ideal job is first and foremost about YOU.

Job interviews

Many people have unsuccessful interviews because they aren't fully prepared. This may be because they haven't done their research properly and can't answer questions about the company they are hoping to join. Or it may be because they are nervous and don't perform well. Going for a job interview is never easy whether it's for a full-time career, or a part-time job during the holidays. However, it is possible to learn how to do well in an interview simply by following a few basic rules.

Firstly, find out as much as you can about the company or the organisation. Write notes about the job you are trying to get and make a list of questions you can ask. Then make sure you know exactly when and where the interview is. Look up the location on a map. Find out about bus and train timetables if necessary and try to predict exactly how long the journey will take. If you are really worried, make the journey a few days before your interview so you can find out.

Another important rule is to plan what you are going to wear well in advance. Make sure it's clean, it fits and it's comfortable! Clean your shoes and sort out what you are taking in your bag or briefcase. All you should do the night before is have a quick look at your notes. Go to bed early so you can get up in good time and calmly get yourself ready. When you walk into the interview room look directly at your interviewers and shake their hands. Finally, be calm and relaxed, and speak clearly.

Дата добавления: 2016-02-27; просмотров: 913;

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