Theoretical Phonetics

Phonetics studies the sound system of the language that is segmental phonemes word stress syllabic structure and intonation. It is primarily concerned with expression level. It is important in the study of language. It is the most fundamental branch of linguistics; it occupies the equal importance with grammar and lexicology. Phonetics has two main divisions: on the one hand, phonology, the study of the sound patterns of the languages, of how a spoken language functions as a ”code”, and on the other, the study of substance, that carries the code. Before analyzing the linguistic function of phonetic units we need to know how the vocal mechanism acts in producing oral speech and what methods are applied in investigating the material form of the languages that is substance.

Human speech is the result of a highly complicated series of events. The formation of the concepts takes place at a linguistic level that is in the brain of the speaker; this stage may be called psychological. The message formed within the brain is transmitted along the nervous system to the speech organs. The human brain controls the behaviour of the articulating organs which effects in a particular pattern of speech sounds. This second stage may be called physiological. The third stage may be called physical or acoustic. Any communication requires a listener, as well as a speaker. So, the last stages are the reception of the sound waves by the listener’s hearing apparatus, the transmission of the spoken message through the nervous system to the brain and the linguistic interpretation of the information conveyed.

Language is the immediate actuality of thought and the most important means of communication. It exists in two main speech forms: oral and written. In oral speech the substance is phonic, in written speech the substance is graphic. The sound substance forms units of the phonetic system of a language. The phonetic system of a language is a set of phonetic units arranged in an orderly way to replace each other in a given framework. It contains two systems – segmental and suprasegmental. Segmental units are: elem. Sounds, vowels, consonants. Suprasegmental units are: syllables, rhythmical units, intonation groups, utterances.

Aspects of speech sounds. The sound substance has its own independent properties as a physical phenomenon. Moreover, it is a product of human activity. Being created by the speaker, the sound substance indicates the speaker’s personality ( sex, age, individual features), reveals his physiological and emotional state, geographical origin, education, social status and so on. Sound phenomena have different aspects which are closely connected: the articulatory aspect, the acoustic aspect, the auditory aspect and the linguistic aspect. The articulatory aspect. Speech sounds are products of human organs of speech. Sound production is impossible without respiration, which consists of two phases- inspiration and expiration. Expiration, during which sp. sounds are produced, is called phonic expiration. The acoustic aspect. Like any other sound of nature sp. sounds exist in the form of sound waves and have such physical properties as frequency, intensity, duration and spectrum. The auditory aspect. Speech sounds may also be analysed from the point of view of perception. It involves the activity of our hearing mechanism, which can be considered in two ways. On the one hand, it is a physiological mechanism, which reacts to acoustic stimuli. On the other hand, it is also a psychological mechanism, which selects from the great amount of acoustic information only that which is linguistically important. The linguistic aspect. Segmental sounds and prosodic features are linguistic phenomena. Representing language units in actual speech, they perform certain linguistic functions. They constitute meaningful units- morphemes, words, word-forms, utterances.

Phonetics as a science. Phonetics as a branch of linguistics studies sounds in the broad sense, investigating vowels and consonants. It studies the acoustic properties of sounds, the physiological basis of sound production, it occupies itself with the study of the ways in which the sounds are organized into a system of different units. In the 18th century it was considered as a part of grammar. Now phonetics is an independent science with its own theories, methods of investigation, it is closely connected with physiology, biology, physics and other sciences. It is also connected with grammar, lexicology, the history of the language.

Branches of phonetics. The branch of phonetics that studies the way in which the air is set in motion, the movements of the speech organs and the coordination of these movements in the production of single sounds and trains of sounds is called articulatory phonetics. Acoustic phonetics studies the way in which the air vibrates between the speaker’s mouth and the listener’s ear. It presents special interest for research work and applied linguistics. The branch of phonetics investigating the hearing process is known as auditory phonetics. Its interests lie in the sensation of hearing, which is brain activity The means by which we discriminate sounds – quality ,sensations of pitch, loudness, length, are relevant here. Instrumental phonetics were introduced into phonetics in the second half of the last century in order to supplement and to rectify the impressions deriving from the human senses , since these are affected by the limitations of the perceptual mechanism, and in general are rather subjective. Phoneticians cannot act only as describers and classifiers of the material form of phonetic units. They are also interested in the way in which sound phenomena function in a particular language, how they are utilized in that language and what part they play in manifesting the meaningful distinctions of the language The branch of phonetics that studies the linguistic function of consonant and vowel sounds, syllabic structure, word accent and prosodic features, such as pitch, stress and tempo is called phonology. The phonetic system of a language is a set of phonetic units arranged in an orderly way to replace each other in a given framework. It contains two systems, or levels – segmental and suprasegmental, or prosodic, each of which is a specially organized language system with a certain number of its units. Segmental units are elementary sounds, vowels and consonants, which form the vocalic and consonantal subsystems. Prosodic units are syllables, rhythmic units, and intonation groups, utterances, which form subsystems of pitch, stress, rhythm, tempo, and pauses. Segmental and prosodic units serve to form and differentiate units of other subsystems of language, the lexical and grammatical units.General and special phonetics. General phonetics is based on the extensive material that a great number of languages give. The method of studies is linguistic. Special phonetics studies the phonetic system of a particular language. It is subdivided into historical and special. The first studies the development of the phonetic system within the historical development of the language. (the approach is diachronic). The second studies the development of the phonetic system of the language in its static form, as it functions in its present stage (the approach is synchronic). Experimental phonetics is based on the use of different apparators and instruments. The originator of this method is Rousellot, the French phonetician. Besides these branches we can mention comparative , theoretical, practical, socio-phonetics(the ways in which pronunciation interacts with society).

Methods of investigation.

  1. The direct observation method has 3 modes of investigation: by ear, by sight, by muscular sensation. It is rather old and subjective, a person must be specially trained and have a “phonetic ear”.
  2. The linguistic method is based on the extensive material which a number of special phonetics provide for investigation/
  3. The experimental method is used to supply any other investigation by the experimental analysis to define the clearness and correct data of the analysed phonetic phenomena. It is based on the usage of instruments and apparatuses (oscillogragh, intonograph, taperecorder and others).


Дата добавления: 2016-02-24; просмотров: 5525;

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