Criteria for Syntactical EMs and SDs Classification

Syntactical SDs deal with expressive possibilities of the structural pattern of sentences and paragraphs, the arrangement of words in a sentence and sentences in a paragraph. Syntactical SDs are based on deliberate deviation from accepted norm.

It should be observed here that oral speech is normatively more emphatic than the written" type of speech. Va­rious syntactical structures deliberately employed by the author as SD for the creation of the proper effect, in oral speech are used automatically as a norm of oral intercourse and are not to be considered SD. But when these syntactical oral norms are intentionally imitated by the writer to produce the effect of authenticity and naturalness of dialogue we may speak of his preliminary deliberate choice of most suitable structures and of their preconceived usage, i.e. syntactical norms of oral speech, interpreted and arranged by the writer, become SD in belles-lettres style. Though, while analyzing them we should always keep in mind that their employment as SD is secondary to their normative usage in oral speech and that their primагу function as SD is to convey the effect of ease and naturalness of the characters' speech.

The vast variety of syntactical EMs and SDs not an easy matter to describe unless one observes the following five major criteria:

Дата добавления: 2015-12-11; просмотров: 1670;

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