Pathophysiology. Peritonitis is a serious manifestation of the surgical infection

Peritonitis is a serious manifestation of the surgical infection. The leading parts are: a) pathogenic microflora; b) intoxication; c) hypovolemia; d) deep metabolic disturbances.

The first phase – reactive phase

1. From the moment the aggressive factor has gotten into abdominal cavity, the signs of inflammation (oedema, hyperemia, and exudation) start.

10 minutes – appearance of exudate into abdominal cavity.

2 hours – formation of adhesions between peritoneum, bowels and large omentum starts.

18 hours – formation of friable mass has been completed.

2. Activation of function of hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis.

3. Activation of biologically active substances: kinins, biogenic amines. They control blood circulation and intestinal motor function.

4. Activation of immune response.

5. Onset of microcirculation disturbances.

6. Development of adynamic ileus. But barrier function of bowel wall is survived.

The second phase – toxic phase

1. The leading factor at this stage is intoxication. Exactly intoxication usually determines the result of treatment. The constituents of intoxication are:

– peritoneal exudate which is absorbed;

– microflora (exo- end endotoxins);

– proteolytic enzymes, which are released after destruction of leucocytes (cathepsins);

– toxic substances, which are produced and absorbed into paretic bowels (phenols, skatoles).

2. Adynamic ileus. Distended bowel wall loses barrier function and translocation of microorganisms starts. Free liquid is collected into intestinal lumen – “sequestration of liquid into the third space” (transudate, digestive juice).

3. The organism can’t limit the infection and inflammatory process spreads into all abdominal cavity.

4. Immune response is depressed.

The third phase – terminal phase

This is a stage of septic shock and multiple organ failure. The changes are irreversible. Intoxication, disturbances of metabolism and haemodynamic are fatal.

Toxic hepatitis. Liver is the first organ which gets toxic substances per portal vein system. Liver metabolic disorders start: protein and pigmental metabolism, function of disintoxication is decreasing .

Toxic nephropathy: proteinuria, microhaematuria, azotemia.

Toxic myocardiodystrophy: hollowness of tones, tachycardia, extrasystole, ST segment depression.

Toxic alteration of lungs: respiratory distress syndrome (“shock lung”).

Дата добавления: 2015-07-04; просмотров: 638;

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