Anchorages 4.174

General remarks.The whole inlet offers good anchorage to all classes of vessel in depths of 10 to 40 m, sand and mud.

Outer anchoragelies E of Islas Cies (4.159) centred on position 42°13'N 8°53'W. This anchorage may be used by any vessel but must be used by vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods in bulk and those vessels carrying any quantity of IMDG Class 1 and Class 2 cargoes.

Permission to use the anchorage must be obtained from VTS (4.172) and any conditions imposed must be complied with. This may include the taking of pilot services.

Inner anchoragelies to the N of Vigo, centred on 42°15'.3N 8°44'.l W. This anchorage may be used by any vessel but must be used by vessels with part loads of dangerous or polluting goods other than those required to use the outer anchorage. Vessels carrying radio-active material will be subject to special requirements. Permission to use the anchorage must be obtained from VTS (4.172).

Cautions.A submarine water pipeline, as shown on the chart, is laid across the inlet from a point on the S shore 1 ¼cables SSW of La Gufa Light to the breakwater at Punta de El Con (1 ¾miles WNW). Strong NW winds raise a steep sea.

Minor anchorages on the North side of the inlet Ensenada de Barra(42°15'5N 8°50'5W) entered between Punta Subrido (4.186) and Punta Corbeiro dos Castros (l ½ miles E) provides anchorage sheltered from N winds in depths of between 10 and 20 m. The W side of the bay is steep and rocky but at the head of the bay is a sandy beach interrupted by several small rocky points rising to high land. An old factory building, with a ruined wharf, stands midway along the W side of the bay.

4.204 Ensenada de Cangas(42°15'5N 8°46'5W)

Anchoragemay be obtained in depths of 10 to 12 m, mud, in the centre of the bay SE of Cangas.

Exercise 10: Comment on the 5 indicated anchorages on : the nature of the holding ground, swinging room, shelter from wind and swell, available depths and the presence of dangers.


The depths at the Inner anchorage are more suitable than the depths at the Outer anchorage.

The holding ground at the Outer anchorage is better than the holding ground at the Isla del Faro anchorage.

The Isla del Faro anchorage doesn't afford enough swinging room for large ships, like ours.

I prefer the Ensenada de Barra anchorage to the Outer anchorage, because it is better sheltered from winds.

I don't like the Ensenada de Cangas anchorage, because there are dangerous shoals situated at its entrance.

I object to the Inner anchorage, as we have containers with IMDG class 2.3 cargo on board.


No. Anchorage Depth Holding ground Shelter Other details
Outer 30-35m Mud W - winds Dangerous Cargo in Bulk IMDG Class 1 & 2, VTS-controlled
Isla del Faro 6-15m Stones & Shingle W- and N- winds No Dangerous Cargo
Ensenada de Barra 10-20m Sand W-,N- and E-winds No Dangerous Cargo
Ensenada de Cangas 10-1 2m Mud W-, N- and S-winds No Dangerous Cargo
Inner 17-23m Mud N- and S-winds Dangerous Cargo other than IMDG Class 1 & 2, VTS -controlled

Exercise 11 : Allocate one of the 5 indicated anchorages in the inlet to the following 5 ships and motivate your choice, taking into account the weather forecast for the area.

Type of vessel Destination Max. Draught Cargo Anchoring
Coaster Amsterdam 5.2m Timber (logs) to avoid bad weather
Container Carrier Southampton 9.5m Containers to carry out urgent maintenance
Car Carrier Vigo 7.2m Cars to wait for an available berth
General Cargo Vigo 6.5 m Ballast Condition to wait for an available berth
Tanker 40.000 DWT Vigo 8.6m Ballast Condition To wait one night before dry-docking

Area forecast:

Gale warning: Fitzroy: wind - NW 8 becoming NW 9 in South, later backing W, sea - rough or very rough, weather - showers, visibility - moderate occasionally poor.

Speak according to the model:

If I were the master of the Tanker, I would choose the Inner anchorage, because it is situated closer to the port.

It is better for the Coaster to drop anchor at the Ensenada de Cangas anchorage, because it is the most sheltered anchorage.

The Container Carrier should drop anchor at the Outer anchorage, because the holding ground is better there.

Given the fact that bad weather is expected, all ships should avoid the Outer anchorage.

Exercise 12 : Talk about changing conditions and their consequences, using conditionals & modal verbs. Speak according to the model.

If the swell in the offing becomes too high, we may have to anchor further into the bight. If the wind is backing, we can expect some swell entering through the "Freu de la Porta" strait. If the wind increases, we should veer the anchor chain another 2 shackles. If we start dragging anchor, we must immediately start the engine. When the visibility deteriorates, we must sound the fog signals.


Exercise 13. Learn the standard phrases of the SMCP


АII/3.5 Постановка на якорь, съемка с якоря .1 Постановка на якорь .1 Левый якорь/правый якорь/оба якоря к отдаче изготовить. .2 Приспустить якорь(-я). .3 Мы следуем на якорное место. .4 Мы будем отдавать левый/правый/оба якоря. .5 ... смычек в воду/на клюз/на палубу. .6 Подобрать левый/правый/оба якоря на одну/пол­торы смычку(-и). .7 Мы отдадим левый/правый/оба якоря на ... смычку(-и) и протащим его/их по грунту. .8 Отдать левый/правый/оба якоря.   .9 Травить якорь-цепь(-и). .1 Задержать якорь-цепь(-и). .2 Стоп травить левую/правую/обе якорь-цепи. 10 Куда смотрит якорь-цепь? .1 Якорь-цепь ~ смотрит вперед/назад. ~ смотрит влево/вправо. ~ огибает штевень. ~ панер. .11 Как натянута якорь-цепь? .1 Цепь слаба/туга/натягивается.   .12 Держит (держат) ли якорь(-я)? .1 Да, якорь(-я) держит(-ат). .2 Нет, якорь(-я) не держит(-ат). .13 Судно вышло на якорь? .1 Да, судно вышло на якорь в точке. .2 Нет, судно (еще) не вышло на якорь. .14 Включить якорный(-ные) огонь (огни). .15 Поднять якорный шар. .16 Проверьте место судна по пеленгам/по ... . .1 Точка якорной стоянки судна: пеленг на ... (названые ориентира) ... градусов, расстояние ... километров/морских миль. .2 Проверяйте положение судна каждые ... минут.   Съемка с якоря .1 Сколько вытравлено якорной цепи? .1 На клюзе ... смычка(-чек). .2 Приготовиться к съемке с якоря. .3 Сообщить брашпиль. .1 Брашпиль сообщен. .4 Куда смотрит якорь-цепь? .1 Якорь-цепь ~ смотрит вперед/назад. ~ смотрит влево/вправо. ~ огибает штевень. ~ панер. .5 Выбирать левую/правую якорь-цепь/обе цепи. .6 Какова нагрузка на якорь-цепь? .1 Нагрузка на якорную цепь большая/слиш­ком велика. .2 Нет нагрузки на якорь-цепь. .7 Стоп выбирать якорь-цепь. .8 Сколько смычек осталось (выбрать)? .1 ... смычек осталось (выбрать). .9 Внимание! Якорная(-ные) цепь(-и) перекруче-на(-ы) .10 Якорь(-я) встал(-и). .1 Якорь-цепи чисты. .11 Якорь(-я) вышел(-шли) из воды/на месте/не чист (-ы) /закреплен(-ы).   AII/3.5 Anchoring .1 Going to anchor .1 Stand by port/starboard/both anchor(s) for letting go. .2 Walk out the anchor(s) .3 We are going to anchorage. .4 We will let go port/starboard/both anchor(s). .5 Put ... shackles in the water/in the pipe/on deck. .6 Walk back port/starboard/both anchor(s) one/one and a half shackle(s). .7 We will let go port/starboard/both anchor(s) ... shackle(s) and dredge it/them. .8 Let go port/starboard/both anchor(s). .9 Slack out the cable(s). .1 Check the cable(s). .2 Hold on the port/the starboard/both cable(s). 10 How is the cable leading? .1 The cable is leading - ahead/astern. - to port/to starboard. - round the bow. - up and down. .11 How is the cable growing? .1 The cable is slack/tight/coming tight. .12 Is/are the anchor(s) holding? .1 Yes, the anchor(s) is/are holding. .2 No, the anchor(s) is/are not holding. .13 Is she brought up? .1 Yes, she is brought up in position ... .2 No, she is not brought up (yet).   .14 Switch on the anchor light(s).   .15 Hoist the anchor ball. .16 Check the anchor position by bearings/by ... . .1 The anchor position is bearing ... degrees, dis­tance ... kilometres/nautical miles to ... .   .2 Check the anchor position every ... minutes.   Leaving the anchorage .1 How much cable is out?   .1 ... shackle(s) is/are out. .2 Stand by for heaving up. .3 Put the windlass in gear. .1 The windlass is in gear. .4 How is the cable leading? .1 The cable is leading ~ ahead/astern. ~ to port/to starboard ~ round the bow ~ up and down. .5 Heave up port/starboard/both cable(s). .6 How much weight is on the cable? .1 Much/too much weight is on the cable. .2 No weight is on the cable. .7 Stop heaving. .8 How many shackles are left (to come in)? .1 ... shackles are left (to come in). .9 Attention! Turn in cable(s).   .10 The anchor(s) is/are aweigh. .1 The cables are clear. .11 The anchor(s) is/are clear of the water/home/ foul/secured.  

Exercise 14 Listen to the audio samples and choose the right word

We have to anchor offshore / in the roadstead / at the anchorage.

Heaving / Letting go / Dropping the anchor.

Bridge to forward, let go port / stern / starboard anchor.

Keep the brake / stopper / clutch open.

We have commenced paying / walking / veering the starboard anchor out.

2 shots in the hawse pipe / in the water / on deck.

Anchor is up and down /in the hawse pipe / at the water edge.

We have a moderate strain / weight / length.

Go ahead and prepare / secure / release everything up there.

Turning / Swing / Operational radius.

Prepare the engine / windlass / forecastle team and heave up anchor.

Study the checklist and fulfill the exercises given below.




1. In preparing the anchoring plan, have the following factors been taken into consideration?  
Available port information  
Advice/recommendations in sailing directions (pilot book)  
Latest weather reports  
Tide and current charts for port/adjacent areas  
Calculated/known minimum and maximum depths of water in anchorage approaches and at the anchorage  
Any restrictions on draught, trim, speed, entry times etc  
2. Is it necessary to rearrange cargo/ballast:1  
3. Are all relevant charts and nautical publications corrected up to date and courses laid off?  
4. Have the latest navigational messages for the area been received?  
5. Has ETA been sent with all relevant information required by local regulations (e.g. details of dangerous/hazardous goods carried)?  
6. Has all navigational equipment including steering gear been tested and stabilisers housed?  
7. Has the following equipment been checked?  
Course and engine movement recorder  
Synchronisation of clocks  
Echo sounder  
Speed log  
Internal communications equipment  
Signalling equipment, including flags/lights  
Deck lighting  
Test of main engine ahead and astern  
Test of stand by auxiliaries  
8. If appropriate, have the checks been carried out on the pilot/embarkation card  
9. Has manual steering been engaged in sufficient time for the helmsman to become accustomed before maneuvering commences?  
10. Has the crew been advised of the time of "stand-by" for anchoring 9  
11. Have VHP channels for the various services (e.g. VTS, Port Control) been noted and a radio check carried out?  
12. Is the following anchoring information available?  
Anchorage area / Anchor berth / Anchor position  
Nature of seabed  
Which anchor(s) to drop  
Scope of cable required  
Available swinging room  
Conspicuous objects  



Exercise 15: Prepare 5 questions according to the model(s)

Did you check the available swinging room?

Has the deck lighting been checked?

How long ago / How recent / When has the deck lighting been checked?

Has the windlass been prepared?

What is the VHP traffic channel for the VTS at the anchorage?


Exercise 16: Speech drills : study the models and then do the exercises in pairs.

Example: Checking (Questioning the actions of the OOW):


Question: Did you see the latest weather report ?

Answer variant 1: Yes, I did. It's still on the NAVTEX receiver.

Answer variant 2: No, I didn't. I will try to get that information now from the NAVTEX receiver.


Task :Give answers according to the model

1. Did you look up the tide tables for the anchorage? (Yes, ECDIS screen / No, Tide Tables book)

2. Did you find more information about the anchorage? (Yes, Pilot book / No, Guide to Port Entry)

3. Did you prepare both the small scale and large scale charts? (Yes, Chart table / No, Catalogue)

4. Did you test the 2nd pump of the steering engine? (Yes, 10 minutes ago /No, do it now)

5. Did you switch on and check the Echo Sounder? (Yes, working / No, switched on, but not checked)


Example : Checking (Questioning the preparations made on the forecastle and in the engine room):

Question: Has the windlass been checked and tested?

Answer variant 1: Yes, it has. It is o.k.

Answer variant 2: No, it hasn't. I will ask the boatswain to go and check and test it.


Task : Give answers according to the model

1. Have the auxiliaries been tested? Yes, on the board / No, being tested now.

2. Has the crew been informed about the time of "stand-by" for anchoring? Yes / No, within 5 minutes

3. Has the anchor gear been prepared? Yes, boatswain reported already / No, no news from the boatswain.

4. Has the VTS been contacted? Yes, permission to anchor obtained / No, contact when crossing reporting line.

5. Has the engine been prepared for maneuvering? Yes, engine in maneuvering mode / No, engineers are switching over to Gasoil fuel now.


Example : Questioning & answering (VHF communication between bridge and forecastle)


Q. Forecastle this is bridge: What is the situation? Is the port anchor prepared to let go?

A. Bridge this is forecastle: Everything is ready. The port anchor is lowered and ready for letting go.


Task : Create answers using SMCP

Q. Forecastle this is bridge: What is the situation? How many shackles are in the water? (3 shackles)

Q. Forecastle this is bridge: What is the situation? How is the cable leading? (leading ahead)

Q. Forecastle this is bridge: How is the situation? Is there a lot of weight on the cable? (medium weight)

Q. Forecastle this is bridge: How is the situation? Is the anchor holding? (yes, cable is tight and coming slack)

Q. Forecastle this is bridge: How is the situation? Did you hoist the anchor ball? (anchor ball is being hoisted)


Example : Reporting & instructing (VHF communication between bridge and forecastle)

R. Bridge this is forecastle: We are stand-by for lowering the anchor.

I. Forecastle this is bridge: You can lower the anchor. Report when the anchor is ready for letting go.


Task : Create instructions using SMCP

Bridge this is forecastle: The anchor is ready for letting go. (Let go, report when 2 shackles in the water)

Bridge this is forecastle: 2 shackles in the water, now. (Pay out 3 more shackles, report every shackle and how the chain is leading.)

Bridge this is forecastle: 5 shackles in the water now, the chain is leading abeam. (Secure the break; apply the chain stopper, report when the anchor is holding)

Bridge this is forecastle: The anchor is holding, (hoist the anchor ball, report when anchoring operations on the forecastle are finished)

Bridge this is forecastle: Anchor ball is hoisted. Anchor chain is slack and leading ahead. (Finished with anchoring, report to the bridge in one hour to check the anchor gear again.)


Exercise 17 : Take one of the 3 following situations and play out a dialogue between the bridge and forward station. Study the communication objectives and use the given words. Use SMCP.

1. The starboard anchor chain is leading round the bow over the bulb

Communicative aims in steps: the bridge investigates the situation - the forecastle reports, the bridge orders to slack away the chain and informs about its intention to maneuver - the forecastle reports and informs about its actions.

SMCP: the cable is leading round the bow, the cable is leading ahead, the cable is tight, the cable is slack, the cable is coming tight/slack, heave up the cable, stop heaving, slack out the cable. Words : to touch, to chafe against, to be stuck, to swing the bow to port, to stop the bow, to heave in anchor chain.

2. The anchor is dragging

Communicative aims in steps: the forecastle reports - the bridge investigates the situation - the forecastle reports - the bridge orders to veer the chain - the forecastle reports and informs about its actions.

SMCP: is the anchor holding, the anchor is not holding, the cable is leading ahead, the cable is tight, slack out the cable, is the anchor holding, the anchor is holding

Words: to veer the cable, shackle, to run the engine ahead, to run the engine astern, to secure the break, to apply the stopper, to hoist the anchor ball

3. The anchor chain is stuck in the chain locker, because the chain fouled

Communicative aims in steps : the forecastle reports - the bridge investigates the situation - the forecastle reports - the bridge investigates how long it takes to solve the problem - intention : to drift before proceeding to anchor position - forecastle reports - bridge instructs to measure oxygen before entering enclosed space - forecastle reports and requests - bridge orders and supports - forecastle reports.

Words: knotted anchor chain, unable to heave up through the spurling pipe, open the chain locker, send a man, might take 15 minutes, oxygen meter, to use a hook, to clear the anchor chain, to close the locker, to be ready to drop anchor.


Exercise 19 : Troubleshooting - Questions and Answers when facing problems.

In case of trouble communication is very important. Questions are used to investigate. Imperatives are used in commands and requests. Suppositional constructions with the verb "should" are used in warnings and advice. Future tenses are used to indicate intentions. Auxiliary verbs to be and to have are used to report situations and actions.

Task 1: Read the following dialogue and pay attention to the use of grammar to mark communicative aims. Note: F=Forecastle, B=Bridge

A Foul Anchor

F: Bridge this is forecastle. We have a problem. The anchor is foul.

B: Stop heaving, please. (Order, Request) What is it fouled with? (Investigation)

F: The anchor is foul of a steel wire. (Report situation) We have stopped heaving. (Report action)

B: Do you think you can rig a Jacob's ladder and send one of the men down onto the anchor? (Investigation)

F: If you made a lee for us, we could do that. (Possibility, Ability) One of the AB's is going to get a Jacob's ladder now. (Report situation)

B: You should also prepare a strong rope or a sling to create a bight to keep the steel wire. Then you can clear the anchor, by simply lowering it. (Advice, Ability) Please, keep an eye on the anchor and the wire, during the maneuver and report immediately if something goes wrong. (Request, Order).

F: OK. We'll prepare a rope and keep an eye on the anchor. (Intention)

B: We are going to start swinging now. (Intention)


Task 2: Read and analyze the continuation of the dialogue. Tag the sentences as: Investigation, Request, Advice, Warning, Command, Intention, Report.

Bridge this is forecastle: The anchor is almost pulled against the hull. Please, keep the bow more to port.

B: Understood, we'll give the bow thruster a touch to port. Do you have enough lee now?

F: Positive, we have enough lee. The Jacob's ladder and a sling are rigged. We have one AB with a safety harness stand-by.

B: We'll keep the ship steady in this position. You can send the AB down, but you should not start heaving on that sling before the AB is on deck. Did you copy that?

F: Understood, no heaving before the AB is back on deck. OK.

B: Thank you. Also report when the AB is back on deck, please.


Task 3: Continue the dialogue by putting the sentences in a logical order.

Bridge this is forecastle: The AB is back on deck. We have removed the Jacob's ladder and we are ready to start lowering the anchor.

B: Understood. You can start lowering the anchor. Report when the anchor is clear. We intend to run the bow thruster slowly to port and then you can heave up the anchor until it has passed clear of the steel wire.

F: The anchor is home. We start securing everything forward

B: Correct, report when you have cut the sling, then we can stop the bow.

F: The anchor is clear. Should we cut the sling?

F: We have cut the sling and the steel wire has disappeared.

B: After you have heaved up the anchor clear of the steel wire, you can cut the sling.

F: Understood, first heaving then cutting.

B: Thank you for the good news. You can heave the anchor home and secure everything.


Prepare presentations on

a) Anchorage selection

b) Procedure of anchoring

c) Anchor gear

d) Duties of the watch officer when the ship is lying at anchor



Дата добавления: 2015-07-24; просмотров: 927;

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