STEERING. COMPASS COURSEWhen there are no landmarks the boat is steered by compass.
The tiller (A) is moved AW4V from the direction you want to turn. The force of the water on the rudder (B) pushes the stern across and the boat roughly pivots about a point just aft of the mast (C). Here we might hit the wall with the stern! | A wheel is moved IN THE SAME direction as you want to go. |
COMPASS COURSEWhen there are no landmarks the boat is steered by compass.
The compass always STANDS STILL pointing North while the boat swings around it The LUBBER LINE (A) represents the centre line of the boat. Compasses are usually read trom the top as with the BINNACLE TYPE (note the card markings and the position of the Lubber Line) or from behind like the BULKHEAD TYPE (note how the card markings are reversed and the Lubber Line is the other side).
To turn the boat from North to 030° STEER THE LUBBER LINEaround to the number. With a bulkhead compass 'push the titter towards the number you want. This may a confusing but is much simpler when you try it.
Дата добавления: 2015-07-24; просмотров: 739;