Your Essential Assignments. 1. What is non-disjunction?

I. Quick check

1. What is non-disjunction?

2. Compare amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling with respect to:

a) When they can be carried out.

b) The risk of inducing a miscarriage.

3. Name one biochemical marker which can help genetic counselor assess the risk of Down’s syndrome for a client.


II. Find the missing words:

Verb Noun Adjective


III. Use a monolingual English dictionary and give the definitions of the following words:

frequency; range; common; disorder; sympathetic; support.


IV. Suggest Russian equivalents for the following word combinations:

English term Russian equivalent
1. throughout the world  
2. overall frequency  
3. preventative medicine  
4. inherited diseases;  
5. learning disability  
6. genetic screening  
7. challenging task  
8. sympathetic counselling techniques  
9. imposing their own views on the clients  
10. great deal of support  

V. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the text:


1. Advances in DNA technology have brought …in preventive medicine.

2. We can now … a large range of inherited diseases before birth.

3. In addition to some learning disability they also have ….

4. The syndrome is named after John Langdon Down, …who first described the condition in 1866.

5. Down’s syndrome is caused by ….

6. Because of the high risk of Down’s syndrome among the babies of older mothers, in the UK mothers over the age of 35 years are usually
offered ….

7. Genetic screening should be followed by genetic counseling? The giving of advice and information about ….

8. Counselling is ….

9. They must give information which helps clients … rather than ….

10. It should not be assumed that mothers carrying a fetus with Down’s syndrome would ….

VI. Find English equivalents for the following word combinations:

Russian term English equivalent
1. достижения в технологии ДНК  
2. большой спектр наследственных заболеваний  
3. повышенный риск  
4. ушные заболевания  
5. бесплатное генетическое обследование  
6. подходящая среда  
7. и физически, и морально  
8. технология (методика) дружелюбной консультации  
9. серьёзная умственная отсталость  
10. прерывание беременности  

Дата добавления: 2015-07-06; просмотров: 950;

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