Drawing the ItemizedOverlay
As the name suggests, allows you to supply a list of points of interest to be displayed on the map – specifically, instances of . The overlay, then, handles much of the drawing logic for you. Here are the minimum steps to make this work:
• First, override as your own subclass (in this example, )
• In the constructor, build your roster of instances, and call when they are ready for use by the overlay
• Implement to return the number of items to be handled by the overlay
• Override to return instances given an index
• When you instantiate your subclass, provide it with a that represents the default icon (e.g., push‑pin) to display for each item
The marker from the constructor is the Drawable used for the last bullet – it shows a push‑pin, as illustrated in Figure 34‑1 earlier in this chapter.
You may also wish to override to do a better job of handling the shadow for your markers. While the map will handle casting a shadow for you, it appears you need to provide a bit of assistance for it to know where the “bottom” of your icon is, so it can draw the shadow appropriately.
For example, here is :
Private class extends
Private new
Private null
Public SitesOverlay
Add new OverlayItem getPoint
Add new OverlayItem getPoint
Add new OverlayItem getPoint
Дата добавления: 2015-05-16; просмотров: 745;