
In 1886 John Pemberton, a druggist in Atlanta, Georgia, made a brown syrup by mixing coca leaves and cola beans. Pemberton sold the syrup in his drugstore as a medicine to cure all kinds of problems. Pemberton called his all-purpose medicine "Coca-Cola".

When few people bought Coca-Cola, Pemberton sold it to another druggist, Asa Candler. Candler decided to sell Coca-Colaas a soda-fountain drink instead of as a medicine. Candler advertised a lot and sold his syrup to many drugstores. Soon everyone was going to soda fountains and asking for Coca-Cola.

Candler saw no reason for putting Coca-Colainto bottles. But two businessmen thought this would be a good idea. They got permission from Candler, and before long they became millionaires.

As of 1903, coca leaves were no longer used in Coca-Cola,the exact ingredients used and their quantities are not known — the Coca-ColaComраnу keeps its recipe a secret.

World War I helped make Coca-Colapopular outside the United Slates. The Coca-ColaCompany sent free bottles of the drink to U.S. soldiers fighting in Europe. Coca-Colabecame very popular with the soldiers — so popular that the U.S. Army asked the company to supply it. After the WWI factories continued to make Coca-Cola in Europe.


Дата добавления: 2015-05-08; просмотров: 2969;

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