My Household Duties
We all live in the society and that's why each of us should have not only rights and wishes but also responsibilities. That's how the world is created. And this dependence is being retraced not only on a large scale but everywhere: at school, at work, at home and so on. Each of us has his own responsibilities in all spheres of everyday life. Everybody seems to like to come to a clean flat with already cooked tasty food and friendly people. But that's not an easy thing to be achieved, because parents are usually busy with their work and children — with their studies and only a little time is left for housework.
The same situation exists in our family. That's why I think that it's not a bad idea to have a subdivision of duties at home. I am always very short of time because of my studies and I cannot help my Mummy much to keep the house. My brother is only 8 and he can't help much, too. And my Dad is always busy with his work. So, as you see, my Mum is doing almost all housework. But still we all are trying to help as much as possible.
I have some household duties which every person has to do every day. So I always make my bed, clear away the dishes and wash them up and take out the rubbish, no mater how busy I am. That doesn't take much time at all. I have no pet and that's why I'm more free then some of my friends. Pets are necessary and important but they take too much time to look after.
But when I’m more or less free my usual round of duties is larger. Once a week I help my Mummy to dust the furniture, vacuum the carpets, sweep and wash the floor, water the flowers and put everything in its places. Actually, it is the only time when I'm happy about living in a two-room flat — it doesn't take me the whole Saturday evening to do everything. So, that's my usual weekly round of duties and it's not very difficult to keep the house if you do it regularly.
But sometimes I have some other things to do. When my Mum is away from home I do the cooking and washing up, buy food and plan my meals. Actually, I can't say that I am really heaped with housework. But sometimes I am too lazy to do even my part of work and start arguing about it. Sure, then I feel guilty and try to correct the situation by doing some extra one.
Дата добавления: 2015-05-08; просмотров: 1095;