Tyumen region

Tyumen region is one of the largest regions in the Russian Federation. It includes two autonomous okrugs, Khantia-Mansia and Yamalia. Tyumen region is situated in the Western Siberia. Tyumen region belongs to the Urals Federal district.

Tyumen region was founded on August 14, 1944. The territory of Tyumen region is 1,435,200 square kilometers. It borders on Omsk, Kurgan, Sverdlovsk region and Kazakhstan.

The climate of Tyumen region is continental. There are four natural plant formations: to the north is tundra, then comes a small strip of forest-tundra, then taiga and forest-steppe.

The population of Tyumen region is 3,264,841 inhabitants. It is considered to be one of the most multicultural regions in Russia. There are thirty-six ethnic groups there. People of different nationalities: Russians (71.56%), Tatars (7.18%), Ukrainians (6.47%), Bashkirs (1.43%), Belarusians (1.10%), Chuvash (0.93%), Nenets (0.87%), Germans (0.83%), Khants (0.82%), Kazakhs (0.57%), Mansi (0.32%) and others live and work side by side here.

There are 25,000 rivers and 650,000 lakes in our region. The largest rivers are the Ob, the Irtysh, the Tura and the Tobol. The largest lake is Chyornoe (Black – 224 square kilometers).

Boglands occupy almost half of the region’s territory. 43 mln. hectares of Tyumen region are covered by forests. Agricultural lands occupy about 3 per cent of the region’s land fund. The sown area is 1,736,000 hectares and the major part of it is under grain and fodder crops. The farmers grow spring wheat, potatoes, oats, rye and maize.

Tyumen region is very rich in oil, gas, peat, quartz sand, limestone, forestry products and others. In 1948, oil was discovered in Tyumen region, and in the 1960s and 1970s the oil industry became a vital component of the region's economy. Tyumen region is the leading oil and gas producer in Russia.

Different branches of industry are developed in our region: oil and gas industry, power-engineering, machine-building, woodworking, light and food branches of industry. Fuel industry is the main branch of Tyumen region.

The chief trends in cattle-raising are beef farming and dairy farming. The farms obtain on the average 4,000 kg of milk per cow per year.

Borovskaya poultry-breeding factory is the largest in Siberia. This enterprise produces more than a million eggs every day.

Reindeer-breeding is highly developed in the north of our region. Reindeer provide us with meat and hides. Beautiful clothing and foot-wear are made of the hides of these animals.

Some farms in the north are engaged in raising fur-bearing animals, mainly silver and polar foxes.

Hunting and fish-farming are main occupations of the people in the north.

the emblem of Tyumen region




Tyumen is the oldest town of Siberia. It was founded on the bank of the Tura river in 1586. Centuries ago, Tyumen was called "the gate of Siberia" because of its historical position and political meaning. The first road in the early 17-th century was built to Tyumen. Moreover, Tyumen is the first station of the Trans-Siberian Railway, built in the late 19-th century.

The total area of Tyumen is 235 square kilometers. Tyumen became an administrative centre of Tyumen region in 1944. Nowadays Tyumen region is a vast territory, which is as large as France, Spain, Italy and Austria taken together.

The population of modern Tyumen is over 600 000 people. There are more than 125 nationalities in our city who live and work side by side here.

Today Tyumen is considered to be a large industrial center. Many branches of industry are developed in the city: machine building, woodworking, power engineering, light and food branches of industry.

Companies such as Gazprom, LUKoil and Yukos have much of their activities centered in Tyumen. UTair is also based in Tyumen. Machine-Building Plant, Plant “Electron”, Medical-Equipment Plant, Motor-Building Plant, Tyumen Battery Plant, Tyumen Shipbuilding Plant, Tyumen Plywood factory, Brewery “Ochakovo” are well-known both in Russia and abroad.

Now Tyumen is a scientific centre. There are over 50 Research Institutes, 10 Higher Educational Establishments, 15 vocational schools, 101 secondary schools and 146 kindergartens. There are three Universities, four Academies, the Juridical Institute, and different Colleges in our city. A great number of Higher Educational Establishments train qualified and educated specialists for our region.

Moreover, Tyumen is a cultural centre. We can’t help admiring wonderful masterpieces of ancient and modern Russian architecture. Many Museums, libraries, theatres and cinemas attract people’s attention nowadays. Tyumenians are very proud of the Theatre of Drama and Comedy. Our Puppet Theatre and Circus are very popular among the children. Tyumen has unique collections of masterpieces in its Museum of Local Studies and Museum of Fine Arts.

Tyumen is a birthplace of well-known writer Vladislav Krapivin. He wrote some books about Tyumen.

Znamenskaya Church was built in the middle of the 18th century, and it is still one of the most beautiful and famous churches in Russia. The Trinity Monastery is the first stone building in the town and its history dates back to 1741. A lot of wooden houses decorate our city.

Now Tyumen is being reconstructed and we hope in a few years it will become even more beautiful. Tyumenians are very proud of their city and its history.


Дата добавления: 2015-04-29; просмотров: 1948;

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