By David J. ULMER[18]

Today we live in what is commonly called the Information Age. This is the age of computers, email, cellular phones, and satellite TV. As a result of these new technologies most of us are constantly being bombarded with information and advertising in huge quantities. The act of personally sorting out and processing this onslaught of information is daunting and disturbing. If we allow this to continue we will become like zombies in a constant state of information overload.

To solve the problem of information overload we must do what humans have done in the past when facing a new challenge. We need to change our lifestyle and mode of thinking to accommodate the new paradigm. We need to develop new tools to help us cope with the new enemy. With new tools and new knowledge we can overcome adversity with grace and dignity.

If we look at our information age objectively we see billions of people driving gas guzzling cars to work everyday. They park their cars at office buildings in congested metropolitan areas. They enter these box-like buildings to do mostly just one thing, process information. After leaving 'work' they drive home again only to be deluged by more commercial information from their TV's and computers. In the information age, people are simply information processors and that's what they do almost all day long.

The transition beyond the information age will be easy for most but difficult for many. Old ways will need to be forgotten and new skills acquired. People will need to learn a lot more about how the human mind works including the real meaning of life. The first half of this book deals with knowledge of how the brain works from processing data and information to the realization of a new understanding. This material is easy to learn and should be the staple of a standard education in the coming age.



Дата добавления: 2015-03-07; просмотров: 1115;

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