Урок 36.

1. There is no need to tip to staff: service is included in a bill. I remember that when we had dinner in this restaurant in summer, a tip was included in a bill. This diet includes all the necessary ingredients

but not for love or money I keep to this diet because making salads will take me too much time and,

as I’m always busy, I can’t permit it. Are you included in the list of invitees to the 20th anniversary of their wedding?

2. We were allowed to get into the holy of holies of this unique medieval castle, I mean, the library.

Circumstances don’t allow me to live in a big way. Are you really allowed to stay up late? I didn’t know you were allowed to stay up late.

3. She was brought up in the spirit of obedience to their parents. If you aren’t brought severely, you’ll

never grow wise. We try to bring up our children as well as possible. He is a strange child, neither fish nor good red herring; there is nothing special about him. I can’t imagine a human being who will be able to bring him up as a worthy and honest person. He always knows which side his bread is buttered, I wonder, who brought him up? Our parents were brought up in a very difficult historical period, in stagnation years, they were promised a land of milk and honey when the communism was in. No doubt, all that left an imprint on them, in a word; we can’t always understand each other.

4. He was looked after well in childhood, I hope; he pays back to his parents in the same coin. These kids are being looked after bad at the moment, and I can’t put up with it. Will you be able to look after my child while I am doing shopping? She promised she would look after my little-one while I was at the hairdresser’s. I have been looking after my neighbour’s kids since their parents were offered a part-time job.

5. I’ve been reading this book since Monday. This book has been read since Monday. This book is usually read before night. This book is being read at the moment, I can’t give it to you. What are you

reading now? Is anything interesting being read to you at the courses? An extract from his article

about the political situation in our country was read to us yesterday. If you have read this book by tomorrow, I’ll be able to give it back to the library on time. He asked me what I was reading then. He wondered if I had read any of ancient writers. He wonders if I’m going to have read this book by the end of the holiday. He swore he would have read that book before the light in the camp was turned off.


Дата добавления: 2015-01-24; просмотров: 938;

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