Урок 8.


1. I don’t usually drink coffee, but I’m drinking it at the moment.

2. I don’t usually eat ice cream, but I’m eating it now.

3. I don’t usually read cheap novels, but I’m reading at the moment.

4. I don’t usually quarrel with my parents, but I’m quarrelling now.

5. I don’t usually have dinner at home, but I’m having dinner at home at the moment.

6. I don’t usually read in the evenings, but I’m reading now.

7. He doesn’t usually watch horror-films, but he is sitting and watching it with great pleasure at the moment.

8. He never cribs at the lessons, for some reason but he is cribbing at the moment.

9. We always enjoy Parfenov’s programmes, but we are working at the moment and, unfortunately, aren’t watching his regular masterpiece.

10. For some reason he is smoking at the moment, but frankly speaking, he doesn’t smoke at all.

11. I’m reading a terrible novel now although I don’t usually read cheap novels.

12. We are eating ice-cream at the moment, we don’t usually eat ice-cream in such cold weather though.

13. Why are you looking at her with such hatred? You always treat your subordinates kindly enough, don’t you?

14. She is working at the moment, but to tell the truth it doesn’t happen very often.

15. Are you working now? – No, we aren’t. We seldom work after dinner.



1. Are you busy now?

2. Are you having dinner now?

3. Have you got money? / Have you got any money?

4. Can you see anything at the moment? / Do you see anything at the moment?

5. Do you want something?

6. Are you working at the moment?

7. Do you doubt at the moment?

8. What are you doing now?

9. What are you smelling? / What are you smelling now?

10. What are you reading at the moment?

11. What do you hear now?

12. I am not working; I’m having dinner at the moment.

13. I don’t understand you. What do you mean?

14. It smells bad, I can’t be here.

15. I usually go to work by car, but it’s warm now, there is a wonderful smell of spring in the air, so I am walking, talking rubbish with you/ chatting about small matters with you.

16. Do you want to taste this juice? Look! Your brother is tasting and it seems to me/to my mind/in my

opinion he is enjoying it!

17. I’m phoning you from the hotel. I have a wonderful room and I’m having a very good time: I’m admiring sunset, smelling the flowers and waiting for you!

18. Are you having dinner now?

19. Why are you being so silly?

20. Your offer sounds delicious.


Дата добавления: 2015-01-24; просмотров: 1230;

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