Stylistic characteristics of the vocabulary.
Linguists divide the English vocabulary into:-formal and informal. Formal English-is used in books , magazines, by lectures, public speakers, radio announces, office talks learned words(they’re neutral, not marked)-mind(mental activity), sun(solar system). In official documents and business correspondence we use special vocabulary=official vocabulary-room-accommodation, get-obtain. There’s also a layer of stylistically neutral words, which belong to literature – colloquial sphere. Informal English – is used in communications and subdivided into: colloquial speech(low-Argot(язык зеков)),familiar colloquial speech(сленг) Informal vocabulary is stylistically marked. To stylistically marked words, poetic words belong as well as poetic. Poetic words function specifically in poetic speech-thea=you,behold=see. Literary colloquial words are used with educated people, in literary works, they form the bulk of the literary.
Familiar and low colloquial words are used in more or less careless speech and in some aspects rude. Examples can’t be found in literature to create the atmosphere correctly-pinch(стащить)-low colloquial.
Some words are taken from dialogues, many set-expressions are widely used-I’d sooner die. Argot-are words used by criminals, it’s not widely used=mini language. Slang is used by different people of social or professional groups(widely spread in every day speech), special slang is futher subdivided into – University slang-teenager slang – sport slang; besides there’re vulgarisms/ vulgar words belong to informal language. They can’t be used in communications as they sound rude, they deal mainly with sex(dirty Engl.)
Дата добавления: 2014-12-09; просмотров: 2660;