Образцы тестовых заданий для контроля умений письменной речи


AN INVITATION LETTER(Письмо- приглашение)

Skills tested:language use, text organisation, appropriate letter format.

Word count:100.

Time limit: 30min.

Write a letter of invitation to your pen-friend in Great Britain. Invite him or her to come and stay with you in Minsk (or any other place in Belarus). Specify time. Express your (your family's) desire to see your pen-friend in Belarus and make an offer to show sights and the country, to spend some good time together.


POST CARD FROM MINSK(Почтовая открытка из Минска)

Skills tested:language use, text organisation, post card format.

Word count: 50.

Time limit: 20min.

You are in Minsk on a visit and want to write a post card (50 words) to your friend Charles in Nottingham, Great Britain. You can use some of these words: happy, enthusiastic, exhausted, tired, delighted, excited, pleased, curious about, interested in.


A LETTER ABOUT HOLIDAYS(Письмо о каникулах)

Skills tested:language use, text organization, style.

Word count:150.

Time limit: 40min.

Fantastic holidays in Great Britain

Enjoying your summer holidays in Great Britain.

Seeing historical sights in England, Scotland and Wales.

Staying with British families.

Practising English.

________ Fabulous trips and hikes.____


Use the advertisement as a prop and write a letter to your teacher of English in 150 words telling him/her about your holidays in Great Britain.



A PERSONAL LETTER (Письмо личного характера)

• Skills tested:language use, text organisation.

Word count:100.

Time limit: 30min.


A young couple from Great Britain would like to come honeymooning to Belarus. Can you help them? Write a short letter in some 100 words to Charles and Linda with some ideas how they could go honeymooning in Belarus.



A LETTER TO A PEN-FRIEND (Письмо о себе другу по переписке)

• Skills tested:language use, letter format and organisation, style.

Word count:100.

Time limit: 30min.

Write a letter about yourself, about what may interest your pen-friend.




(Письмо-инструкция о поездке в Беларусь)

• Skills tested:language use, letter format and organisation, style. Word count:150. Time limit: 40min.

You have just returned from Minsk. Make a set of instructions for your friends how to travel in Belarus. Include the following:

♦What papers (passports, money, tickets) will they need?

♦ What clothes should they pack?

♦ What about hygiene and first aid?

♦ What else might they need?

♦ Where can they sleep?

♦ What transport should they use?

♦ What sights should they see?

♦ What customs in everyday life should they know?


CONGRATULATIONS (Поздравление с праздником)

Skills tested: language and etiquette use, card format and organisation.

Word count: 50.

Time limit: 15 min.

Send your congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of New Year and Christmas, Easter, national holidays, etc.)


Дата добавления: 2015-12-10; просмотров: 1292;

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