Specificity of the Russian political thought

Features of development of political ideas in Russia have affected character and the maintenance of those problems which were comprehended in them. A choice of actual questions for the decision and definition of means of their realisation have been caused by the special vision of the world which has developed within the limits of Russian culture. It has been connected first of all with Orthodoxy: divine character of the power in Orthodoxy was organically combined with unique Russian tradition-sobornostju, generated by specific life of an Old Russian society. As a basis of the social organisation of a society the community acted. Соборность assumed collective search of true, sovereignty of the majority, excluded existence of the independent person. Thereby соборность подпитывала authoritative character of the power of the prince as the strong power is necessary for opposition suppression for the majority. Hence, force of the power and the state not only were defined by their divine character, but also was based on the consent between correcting and citizens.

According to tradition of Orthodoxy, the state and the power of the prince high moral virtues - kindly, true, mercy, responsibility for citizens, праведность were attributed. All who aspired to destroy the state, personified a satanic host, were servants of Antihrista. Boyars-traitors were considered as those. Absolute power of the prince, reigning for many long years, centuries became a defining Principle of a political system of the Russian society. The political thought also aspired to a substantiation праведности an absolute power of the monarch.

Owing to a geographical position of Russiabetween the West and the East Russian political thought developed in the considerable

To measure by loan of ideas, coming under influence both western, and east thought. After Christianity acceptance influence of Byzantium was more appreciable, and since XVII century West influence that was expressed in occurrence of ideological and political movement - the Westerners borrowing liberal values by the European of a civilisation has amplified.

However it at all did not mean that Russia did not try to find own way of development, own idea. Russian idea was a symbol which expressed originality of the people. It became one of the central ideas of political theories that has found reflexion in formation of wide movement of Slavophiles.

It is remarkable that the political thought of Russia developed in parallel with state development. The Russian state concerned идеократическому to type. In the states of this type association of individuals is carried out on the basis of the general for all idea which adds to the arsenal the power. At different stages of the Russian history as such ideas acted: «Moscow - the third Rome», «Orthodoxy, autocracy, a nationality», idea of "the light future» etc.

That circumstance that Russian political thought developed in religious, has caused its certain backlog from the western political doctrines. It was expressed in later comprehension of the importance of ideas of parliamentarism, democracy, a civil society, etc.

Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 225;

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