Exercise 4. Match the words in Column A with their correct translation in Column B.

Column A Column B
1) reception / visiting hours a) спостерігати за пацієнтом
2) operative complications b) амбулаторний хворий
3) to wheel a patient on a buggy= wheelchair c) застосовувати анестезію
4) to follow a strict bed regime d) ходити на милицях
5) to allow the patient out of hospital = to discharge from hospital e) прикутий до ліжка
6) to give (induce) anaesthesia f) зробити рентген
7) outpatient g) госпіталізувати
8) to admit to hospital h) виписувати
9) inpatient i) перевірити частоту пульсу
10) to be confined to bed j) везти пацієнта на кріслі-колясці
11) to feel/to take smb’s pulse k) години відвідування, прийомні години
12) to undergo a course of treatment l) післяопераційні ускладнення
13) to observe a patient m)додержуватися сурового постільного режиму
14) to walk on crutches n) стаціонарний, лежачий хворий
15) to have an X-ray taken o) пройти курс лікування

Exercise 5. Complete the gaps.

Read the two texts. Which one describe the working day of a surgeon? Which one describes the working day of a nurse? Complete the gaps with the words below each text.

A) At the moment, I’m working the day shift, so I have to be on the ward, and in my uniform, at seven o’clock in the morning. We ___________ our first round at seven thirty, _____________ everything is OK, ___________ patients their medicine, __________________ their temperature, check their blood pressure, and ________________ the beds. We have to _____________ in the patient’s chart at the foot of the bed.

check do make fill give take

B) I usually start at ten. _____________ is very important, so always scrub my hands and arms thoroughly, and I wear rubber _____________ and a ______________. We use surgical ________________, but, nowadays, we also use a lot of computer technology to help us perform ____________. It is a very demanding job, but very rewarding … .

Gloves instruments mask hygiene operations

II. Listening


1. You are going to be informed about the Cleveland Clinic. It is one of the top hospitals in America, with about 40,000 employees, nine regional hospitals, a Childrenʼs Hospital, Cleveland Clinic Florida, the Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health in Las Vegas, 17 family health centers, a global presence and one very important focus: healing.

The Cleveland Clinic has been responsible for many firsts in health care. Read the list of some firsts in health care and tick the ones that you suppose the Cleveland Clinic has been responsible for. The first one has been done for you.

first successful larynx transplant \/
first coronary bypass surgery (CABG)  
first human cloning  
identification of carpal tunnel syndrome  
first minimally invasive aortic valve surgery  
discovery of first gene linked to familial coronary artery disease  
first artificial kidney  


2. Cleveland Clinic was founded in 1921 by four renowned physicians with a vision of providing outstanding patient care based upon 3 main principles. Now watch the video and complete the charts:

1) A revolutionary model of medicine was based on:

2) Achievements of doctors of Cleveland Clinic:

George W. Crile
Willem Kollf
Mason Sones
Rene Favaloro

3) What patients of Cleveland Clinic can do over the Internet?


4) The main campus infrastructure also maximizes modern technology. It is served by:



3. The Cleveland Clinic was established for the purpose of providing patient care, research, and medical education in an ideal medical setting. Prove that the medical setting is really ideal.

III. Reading


Answer the questions to yourself, then discuss them with your groupmates.

1. Have you ever been to hospital?

2. What was it like?

3. What were the doctors and nurses like?

4. Describe what happened to you.


Дата добавления: 2016-03-27; просмотров: 1125;

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