Drugs into three groups.

capsules cream garglelotion lozenge

ointmentpillpowder serumtablet vaccines

In most cases drugs are:

1) taken by mouth;

2) injected into the body;

3) applied to the body surface.

Exercise 4. Choose the right answer.

1. The nurse put a …… on the wound.

a) bandage b) cloth c) material d) towel

2. Take two of these …… three times a day after meals.

a) capsules b) drugs c) placebos d) prescriptions

3. Illness can be stopped before it happens by means of ….. .

a) after-care b) prescription c) therapy d) vaccines

4. The doctor gave me some …… for my rheumatism.

a) gargle b) lozenges c) pastilles d) pills

5. The doctor gave the woman a strong ….. to calm her down.

a) antidote b) antiseptic c) bromide d) sedative

6. He was in terrible pain, so he was given a(n) ….. .

a) injection b) scratch c) stab d) wound

7. Doctors write a ….. for medicine which chemists or dispensers make up.

a) certificate b) prescription c) receipt d) recipe

8. If you’ve got a headache, why don’t you take a couple of ….. .

a) serum b) aspirin c) vitamins d) antihistamine

Exercise 5. Your basic first aid kit

It is important to have a well-stocked first aid kit in your home to deal with minor accidents and injuries. Your first aid kit should be locked and kept in a cool, dry place, out of reach of children. Medicines should be checked regularly to make sure that they are within their use-by dates. Many people also keep a small first aid kit in their car for emergencies.

Your task is to find the right Ukrainian equivalents to the items of a basic first aid kit using the words from the box.



Дата добавления: 2016-03-27; просмотров: 841;

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