Answer the questions on the text, choosing the right variant. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту, выбирая правильный вариант.

Ответьте на вопросы по тексту, выбирая правильный вариант.

1. How often had the man been smuggling through customs?

a) he had been smuggling for six weeks.

b) he had been smuggling for a day.

c) he had been smuggling for a year.

d) he had been smuggling for a month

2. How often did the man come into the country?

a) he came in every year.

b) he came in every day.

c) he came in every week.

d) he came in every month.

3. What kind of luggage did the man have?

a) he had a briefcase.

b) he had a suitcase.

c) he had a package.

d) he had a travelling bag.

4. How do you know that the man was polite?

a) he always spoke to the customs officer.

b) he always opened his luggage when the customs officer asked.

c) he always gave the customs officer cigarettes.

d) he always took off his hat and said, “Good afternoon”.

5. Why did the customs officer leave his job?

a) he left because he wasn’t polite.

b) he left because he was unhappy.

c) he left because he wanted to be a smuggler.

d) he left because he was too old.

6. What did the new customs officer find?

a) he found a lot of cigarettes.

b) he didn’t look in the luggage.

c) he found a lot of whisky.

d) he didn’t find anything.

7. What was the man really smuggling?

a) he was smuggling perfume.

b) he was smuggling whisky.

c) he was smuggling hats.

d) he was smuggling cigarettes.

К зачету необходимо подготовить:

Устное сообщение, беседа по одной из предложенных тем.

a) О себе и о своей семье.

b) Мой рабочий день.

c) Мой институт.

d) Моя будущая профессия.


Тематические вопросы к зачету.

2. What’s your age and occupation? (How old are you? What do you do?)

3. What country are you from? Where do you live? Who do you live with?

4. Are you married or single?

5. What is your hobby?

6. What does your father /mother do?

7. When did you start to study English?

8. What time do you usually get up?

9. What do you have for breakfast (dinner, supper)?

10. Where do you work?

11. How much time does it take you to get to work?

12. Do you like mental or physical work more?

13. When do you usually come home from work?

14. What do you do in the evenings?

15. Where do you study?

16. How many departments are there at your Institute? What are they?

17. Where is your Institute situated?

18. What is your future profession?

19. What subjects do you study at the Law Institute? What is your favourite subject?

20. Do you want to work as an investigator or a detective after graduating from the Law Institute?

21. Why have you chosen the career of a lawyer?

a) Защита контрольной работы включает умение объяснить употребление любого изученного грамматического явления.

Курс 2 семестр.


Для выполнения следующей контрольной работы необходимо повторить грамматический материал: времена группы Continuous (Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Future Continuous); сравнительная характеристика группы времен Indefinite и Continuous; конструкция “to be going” + инфинитив; местоимения (личные, притяжательные, возвратные, вопросительные, неопределенные – some, any, no и их производные, much, many (a) little, (a) few, both, either, neither); количественные и порядковые числительные.


Дата добавления: 2016-03-27; просмотров: 1046;

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