Oryel State University is a center of culture and science. It is the major higher educational establishment in the Oryel region. Our University was founded in 1931. The old building of the Institute was situated in Moskovkaya Street. In 1956 the new building was completed. There are many faculties and a great number of chairs which help every student to get ready for his study and future work. There are many laboratories where all the students make various experiments and carry out research work. The laboratories are well-equipped. We also have a good library, a reading hall, an assembly hall, workshops, studies and a well-equipped gym at our disposal. The youth from all corners of out great country study at the faculties of our University. Those students who come from different villages and towns live in the hostels.

Teachers and professors deliver lectures and hold seminars on different subjects such as: physics, mathematics, chemistry, literature, biology, history, sociology and many others. All the students study foreign languages. Student’s independent work is given much attention to. Our University trains teachers for primary and secondary schools, specialists in preschool education, journalists, philosophers, doctors. The academic year begins, as a rule, on the first of September and ends in June. It lasts ten months. The academic year has two terms: the autumn term and the spring term. At the end of each term the students take examinations and credits tests. To pass the exams and credits tests successfully students have to work hard during the academic year. You may fail at the examinations if you miss classes and do not study regularly. You must take examinations and credits in time. Sometimes students are allowed to take exams and credits tests in advance. After the examinations they have summer and winter holidays. To enter our University you have to take interview or entrance examinations which are rather difficult. Students study at day-time, evening departments and by correspondence.

The students of University take an active part in social life. There are students’ scientific societies and different circles which help students to master their knowledge. The students of University can do any sport and any recreational activity.

Every year hundreds of young specialists begin working in different branches of national economy, science, education, in mass media, prosecutor’s offices and courts. The staff is proud of the University traditions and achievements but at the same time it realizes the necessity of serious reforms aimed at preserving the accumulated intellectual potential and promoting progressive development of the Oryel State University in future.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-13; просмотров: 1580;

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