Let's talk about fashion

Fashion is something we deal with every day. Even people who say they don't care what they wear choose clothes every morning that say a lot about them and how they feel that day. A person can say by their clothes, "This is what I think is nice and I believe it makes me look more attractive".

Psychologists say that 85% of the information people accept is visual information. Fashion is a language which tells a story about the person who wears it. We often judge people by what they are wearing. For example, people, dressed in expensive clothes are often thought to be wealthy and beautiful. People who wear old, dirty or torn clothes can't be called beautiful or reliable by others.

In our modern society fashion models, singers, musicians, dancers, actors and sportsmen are the idols of thousands of teenagers who try to copy them in the way they dress, walk and style their hair. Their life-styles are advertised on TV and in fashion magazines. Numerous ads play on our feelings, emotions, and especially our wish to look beautiful.

Some people, especially women, believe that wearing a lot of make-up, having long nails and long eyelashes makes them pretty. I don't find people who put on a lot of make-up attractive. I don't understand it when both women and men who don't look ugly go to plastic surgeons to improve their bodies and look more attractive. Some people make tattoos or scars, have their noses, lips, eyebrows and other parts of the face and body pierced to follow the fashion.

As for me, while choosing clothes, accessories and a hairstyle it is always important to remember the rules of politeness, that there are different styles of clothes for different types of events. From my point of view, things that a person has in the wardrobe should be comfortable to wear. It's better to remain true to yourself. I usually spend little money on new clothes and my favourite items of clothes are blue jeans, grey sweaters and black boots. When it's cold I often put on my warm jacket. I feel like a fish out of water when something doesn't suit me.

My favourite fashion model is Claudia Schiffer who is a very successful German supermodel. She has appeared on the covers and fashion pages of all the major fashion magazines and is one of the faces of

Chanel. She has a slim body and very long legs. Her most stunning feature is her attractive face with sparkling eyes and a straight nose. She is a successful businesswoman who has her own fitness video and spends a lot of time working with charity organizations.

Fashion is not the most important thing in my life, but it helps me to feel in tune with the world I live in. I can't say I'm a dedicated follower of fashion but I always try to keep up-to-date.

In conclusion I would like to say that "all that glitters is not gold." You should not be deceived by appearances, you should use your mind and soul to determine whether the person is trustworthy and pure in their intentions. As a wise proverb says: 'People meet by clothes and set off by mind'. I fully agree with it.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-13; просмотров: 4260;

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