Complete the sentences. Make verbs and adjectives out of the nouns in the table below noun verb adjective application apply applicable

  1. Although diffusion is clearly caused by the motion of particles through space,…
  2. The phenomenon was investigated first…
  3. Albert Einstein showed that the movement…
  4. The analysis is equally applicable when…
  5. The Einstein principles are just as valid…
  6. If we regard the movements of a specific particle,..
  7. If each jump is independent of the particle's prior history,...

Make verbs and adjectives out of the nouns in the table below

noun verb adjective
application apply applicable

Translate into Russian

1. Since our data concern a spermatogonial cell population, the question must arise as to whether selective killing may have interfered with the results.

2. On the days 10-11th in the second experiment the distribution of crossovers per irradiated male was found to fit the Poisson distribution.

3. The question can arise whether the various treatments have influenced the course of spermatogenesis differently, so that the final comparison was not carried out on the same cell stages.

4. The first comparison to be made is between fractional and continuous treatment.

5. Finally, the question arose as to whether we had been dealing with the same stage during the whole treatment.

6. There is a remarkably good correspondence between our results and those recorded for recessive lethals with a linear dose-response relationship.

7. Finally, the findings for the second and third regions should be discussed. These were loss clear than those for the first region and are not easily interpreted, since — as shown above — a different mechanism appears to be involved.

8. In the experiments to be described wild-type males from an Oregon-K strain of Drosophila melanogaster were irradiated with ɣ-rays from Co60 sources.

9. Where clusters were found they wore recorded as single mutations.

10. The investigation is divided into two parts, one using an adult- feeding method, the other the larval feeding method.

11. The process of oogenesis in adult Drosophila females has already been described in detail, and in so far as studies on germ-cell stage sensitivity are concerned, the essential features are as follows.

12. Oogonial stages present in the larval ovary after the first 24 hours of larval life appear to show essentially the same mutational response to treatment with diethyl sulphate.

13. The evidence does suggest, however, that the early larval oogonia are more responsive than the later larval oogonia.

14. Differences in body size at the different temperature are assumed to be due to variation in cell size, and not in cell number.

15. Flies with very slow development at 15° and 30° have a lower mutation frequency than those with the faster development at the same temperature. This may reflect fewer cell divisions in the slow flies, the rate per cell division being unaffected, or, alternatively, it may reflect differences in physiology of the slow-developing flies.

16. This lower rate he attributed to errors of observation, the wildtype spots being difficult to score on the small, wrinkled wings of flies raised at 30°.

Translate the text into English

Дата добавления: 2015-09-29; просмотров: 985;

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