Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations. propensity / electron affinity / capture / unfilled orbitals / rotational symmetry / ionic binding

propensity / electron affinity / capture / unfilled orbitals / rotational symmetry / ionic binding


1. At room temperature, the even members possess a center of inversion in the central C–C bond while the odd members other than malonic exhibit a two-fold ______________ about the central carbon atom.

2. ______________ is a measure of the energy that is released when an atom acquires an electron.

3. The ______________ of four hydrogen can form four covalent bonds by a sharing of pairs of electrons between carbon and hydrogen.

4. In ______________ both nuclei are bound by a charge increase which is localized in the region of a single nucleus.

5. Electronegativity is the ______________ of an atom or molecule to attract the electronic charge of a covalent bond.

6. Electron affinity refers to the ability of an element to ______________ electrons.


Translate into Russian

1. The absorption spectrum of DNA is shown in Fig. 8. Superimposed on it is a curve for the number of mutations induced by the same wavelengths.

2. In a chemically modified form they might be incorporated in the replicating DNA and give rise to the mutation observed. If this were the case, the target would be one of these substances rather than the gene itself.

3. Other species of molecules to be considered as possible carriers of heredity include RNA and proteins.

4. Operationally, this mode of inheritance can only be referred to as non-chromosomal, although it is often spoken of as cytoplasmic.

5. The principle of holism is applicable to the inorganic world as well as to the biologic. For example, glycogen has properties very different from those of the molecules of glucose composing it; sodium chloride has characteristics different from those of the two ions combined in it, and its properties could not be predicted from the characteristics of its components.

6. Cytologists observed that the cycle of chromosomes in the germ cells is similar to that of the hereditary phenomena.

7. The composition and metabolism of an epithelial cell of the thyroid gland differ markedly from those of muscle fibers.

8. The heterogeneity of the various microsome fractions makes chemical analysis difficult, particularly that of the enzymes.

9. An interesting problem, but one about which little is known, is that of the factor that initiates cellular division.

10. The steady state explains many organic phenomena that once seemed to be very difficult to understand in terms of mechanism and vitalism. A closed system, for instance, does not need energy once an equilibrium is reached, but the open system needs a permanent supply of energy.

11. Once those fundamental theories and concepts were established, the progress of histological knowledge was extremely rapid.

12. Once this goal has been achieved, the study of the dynamic change occurring in cytological organization in different functional stages can be undertaken.

13. Although this synthesis of amino acids in vitro without enzymes is a remarkable achievement, the problem of how life originated is still very far from being solved, although we are to-day much nearer a solution.

14. It is interesting to follow the description of this genial man of science who was a physicist and a mathematician besides being one of the best mechanics and inventors of his age.

15. Borel, a physician at the court of Louis XIV, was among the first to employ the microscope.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-29; просмотров: 1003;

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