Exercise 8.5. Choose the correct item.

1. John said, "I’m sorry to disturb you, Eliza".

a) John told that he was sorry to disturb Eliza.

b) John told Eliza he was sorry to disturb her.

c) John said to Eliza he had been sorry to disturb her.


2. He said, "Where is Jill going?"

a) He askes where was Jill going.

b) He askes where Jill went.

c) He askes where Jill was going.


3. "If I had any instructions, I would know what to do", said Mag.

a) Mag said that if she had had any instructions she would have known what to do.

b) Mag said if she had any instructions she knew what to do.

c) Mag said that if she had any instructions she would know what to do.

4. "Will you be free tomorrow?" Colin asked Richard.

a) Richard asked would Colin be free the next day.

b) Colin asked Richard if he would be free the following day.

c) Colin asked if Richard will be free tomorrow.


5. "Why hasn’t he locked the car door?" the policeman said.

a) The policeman asked why he hadn’t locked the car door.

b) The policeman asked why hadn’t he locked the car door.

c) The policeman asked why he didn’t lock the car door.


6. The students said, "We wish our exams were over".

a) The students said they wished their exams had been over.

b) The students said that they wished their exams have been over.

c) The students said they wished their exams were over.

7. Tom said, "Jerry has been my best friend since our early childhood".

a) Tom told Jerry that he had been his best friend since their early childhood.

b) Tom said that Jerry has been my best friend since our early childhood.

c) Tom told Jerry that he had been his best friend since their early childhood.


8. "Where is the nearest bus stop?" the old man addressed a policeman.

a) The old man asked where was the nearest bus stop.

b) The old man asked a policeman where the nearest bus stop was.

c) The old man told a policeman where the nearest bus stop was.


9. The teacher said to us, "Be quiet, please".

a) The teacher asked us to be quiet.

b) The teacher told us to be quiet.

c) The teacher said to us to be quiet.


10. "If I were you, I’d stop smoking", Jeff said.

a) Jeff said that if he were him he would have stopped smoking.

b) Jeff said that if he had been him he would stop smoking.

c) Jeff advised him to stop smoking.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 1685;

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