Exercise 2.1.5. Choose the correct item.


1. a baby 7. a foot 13. a boy-friend
a) babys a) foots a) boys-friends
b) babies b) footes b) boy-friends
c) babis c) feet c) boys-friend
2. advice 8. jeans 14. money
a) advices a) jeans a) moneys
b) advises b) jeanses b)
c) c) jeanss c) moneies
3. a man 9. a potato 15. a watch
a) man a) potatoes a) watches
b) men b) potatos b) watchs
c) mans c) potates c) watch
4. an umbrella 10. a postman 16. an address
a) umbrellas a) postmans a)
b) umbrellaes b) postman b) addresses
c) umbrells c) postmen c) address
5. a boy 11. a photo 17. a child
a) boys a) photoes a) childs
b) boies b) photos b) childes
c) boyes c) photes c) children
6. a city 12. news 18. a mother-in-law
a) citys a) newses a) mother-in-laws
b) cities b) news b) mothers-in-law
c) cityes c) c) mothers-in-laws
19. a toothbrush 20. a fish
a) teethbrush a) fish
b) toothbrushes b) fishes
c) teethbrushes c) fishs

Exercise 2.1.6. Choose the correct item.

1. My hair ___ clean.

a) is b) are


2. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine ___ not sharp enough.

a) is b) are


3. Bad news ___ people happy.

a) don’t make b) doesn’t make


4. I don’t want ___ or help.

a) advices b) advice


5. I’ve seen some ___ this month. Each was funnier than the last.

a) comedy b) comedies


6. We’d like three ___ eggs.

a) dozen of b) dozen c) dozens


7. Knowledge ___ power.

a) is b) are


8. In summer we eat a lot of ___.

a) fruit b) fruits


9. The police ___ to interview Fred about the accident.

a) wants b) want


10. Last Saturday we went fishing, but we didn’t catch many ___.

a) fish b) fishes


Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 2108;

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