Sport in the USA

Americans are mostly fond of sport. The most popular kinds of sport in the USA are football, baseball, basketball, and ice hockey, which are played in northern cities from October to March.

American football derives from the English game of rugby. It started at Harvard University in the 1870's1. It is a game for two teams of eleven men in each. The object of the game is to seize the control of the ball and to score points by carrying it across the goal line of the field.

Baseball is a team game derived from the English game of cricket. It is played with a bat and ball2 by two teams of nine players in each on a field with four bases. Baseball is the national game in the USA and it is very popular in Canada too.

Basketball is a game which nowadays is popular all over the world. It was invented in 1891. In the 1970's the American Championship was divided into two leagues: the ABA (American Basketball Association), which does not exist any longer, and the NBA (National Basketball Association). The NBA is a professional league which still plays.

Among the other activities which Americans take part in are golf, swimming, tennis, aerobics, wrestling, etc.

Americans like winter sports, such as skating, skiing, and tobogganing. Ice hockey is the extremely popular game in the USA.

Sports play an important role in life of most Americans, and the sports medicines as well as sports psychology have become respectable specializations nowadays. Many Americans jog every day or play tennis two or three times a week in order to keep good shape.


1 It started at Harvard University in the 1870's – в него начали играть в 70-х.

2 It is played with a bat and ball – в него играют с битой и мячом



activity [ək`tiviti] – деятельность, зд.: физическая активность

as well as [əz `wel əs] – так же как и

base – зд.: база (в бейсболе)

field [fi:ld] – поле (для игры)

goal line [`gəul ,lain] – линия ворот

ice hockey [`ais ,hoki] – хоккей на льду

in order [in `o:də] to – для того, чтобы

professional league [prə`fe∫nl ,li:g] – профессиональная спортивная лига

respectable [ris`pektəbl] – зд.: представительный, респектабельный

specialization [,spe∫əlai`zei∫n] – специализация

sports medicine [`spo:t `medisin] (psychology [sai`koləd3i]) – спортивная медицина (психология)

team game [`ti:m ,geim] – командная игра

tobogganing [tə`bogəniŋ] – санный спорт, катание на санях

to be fond of smth. – увлекаться чем-л.

to derive [di`raiv] from smth. – происходить от чего-л.

to seize [si:z] – завладевать, захватить

to score [sko:] points – подсчитывать очки, вести счёт

to invent – изобретать, to be invented – быть изобретённым

to divide [di`vaid] – делить(ся), разделять, to be divided – подразделяться

to be extremely popular [ik`stri:məli `popjulə] – быть чрезвычайно популярным

to play an important role [im`po:tənt `rəul] – играть важную роль

to jog – бегать, совершать пробежку

to keep shape [∫eip] – поддерживать форму, держать себя в спортивной форме


Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 1039;

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