Acute Tracheobronchitis. Acute tracheobronchitis is a primary disease but usually develops as a secondary infection following the common cold, sinusitis, whooping cough, or some other illnesses. It consists of diffuse inflammation of the trachea and bronchi, the mucous membranes of which are edematous and covered with sticky, grayish, mucoid exudates. Productive cough, hoarseness, chill, sweats, fever, and general malaise are usually present. They may develop suddenly or gradually. The sputum, at first mucoid, usually becomes purulent. Examination of the chest often reveals moist râles. Sometimes there are no physical signs at all. The fever usually subsides within a few days.

Chronic Bronchitis. A chronic cough, productive of mucoid or purulent sputum, with little impairment of the general health, is not uncommonly encountered in persons with asthma, sinusitis, emphysema, and other disorders. Chronic bronchitis is never a primary disease and it always necessary to determine its primary cause. The physical signs of chronic bronchitis consist of coarse and moist râles. Some persons have a predisposition to bronchitis. The prognosis in young persons, when the primary cause can be determined, is favorable but beyond middle life chronic bronchitis is a persistent disease.


Ex. 21. Pronounce and memorize the following words:

Upper Airways Drain відтікання; lining ['laInIN] слизова оболонка; obstruction непрохідність|непрохідний|, закупорка, обструкція; closure ['klquZq] закриття; rhinitis[raI'naItIs] риніт; decongestant протизастійний засіб|кошт|, протинабряковий|набряковий| засіб|кошт|; encourage [In'kArIG] стимулювати; conventional[kqn'venSqnl] звичайний, традиційний; gargle [ga:gl] полоскати; overwhelm ["quvq'welm] вражати;

jaw [GO:] щелепа; soothing болезаспокійливий, заспокійливий; lessen зменшувати(ся), скорочувати(ся); tickling дертя; rawness [‘rO:nIs] хворобливість; reflux [‘rI:flaks]відтікання, відплив, рефлюкс.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 955;

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