Express the following in one word.

waste, procrastinate, excuse, failure, deadline


1 delay action

2 use without a good purpose

3 fixed date for finishing (doing) something

4 reason given (true or invented) to explain or defend one’s conduct

5 lack of success

Fill in the correct word from the list below.

avoid, put off, excuses, success, discipline, procrastinated, wasted


1 There’s always the temptation to … the most difficult task till last.

2 He … until it was too late.

3 He’s always making … for being late.

4 Try to … danger.

5 The thought of … years behind him made Mark sick with bitterness.

6 He had all the attributes of a great leader: charisma, energy, ... and resourcefulness.

7 All great leaders share certain characteristics which must be seen as the key to their ... .

30. Work with a partner. What advice would you give somebody who wants to fight a habit of putting off difficult tasks? Give advice using should or shouldn’t.



You should learn to plan your time.

You should remember: the longer you put it off, the worse it will be.

You shouldn’t leave your work until it’s done.

USEFUL PHRASES get rid of your doubts and fears; list what you have to do; look at large projects as a series of steps you complete one at a time; divide the task into parts you can manage; focus on one task at a time

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 724;

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