List of dangerous and harmful production factors at technical maintenance of the object.


The Dangerous and harmful production factors are laid out into State standard ГОСТ 12.0.003-74 ССТБ.



At the beginning of the subdivision it is necessary to lay out all of potentially dangerous and harmful production factors, which can have a place in operation, storage, mounting, dismantling, transport, testing of the device on aircraft or in laboratory of the aircraft maintenance base (AMB). It is necessary to fix on factors from the list, which typical for object, that projects at its technical operation and to lay out the circumstances of their identification - where, when, during execution of what kind of works they appear.

During the technical services of the aircraft AE&E the following dangerous harmful production factors can affect the workers:

- mobile self-propelled and manually transported machinery, mechanisms and devices for performance of works - aerodrome sources of power supply for aircraft equipment and starting engines operation, aerodrome oxygen-charging installations (АКЗС), complete sets of control-test apparatus for AE&E capacity verification, and also their mobile unprotected parts;

- movable unprotected aircraft elements: landing gear compartments ramps, doors and hatches, wing flaps, steersman surfaces, slats, spoilers, air brakes, air screws;

- movable bar-bells and corbels for shift of electric send-off and plug connectors of aerodrome power supply (ШРАЖ), of stationary source of aerodrome power supply feeding for starting engines operation;

- mobile unprotected AE&E elements; revolving levers, traction and billows of the electric devices, that employed in aircraft and engine operation control system, revolving impellers, air cooling ventilators of the AE&E, scanning antennas of the radar stations;


- mobile parts of airframe are hold out by fixative supporting bar-bells and special locks: dielectric cowls of the radar aerials, Doppler meters, radio altimeters and radio compasses, covers of technical compartments hatches and electric devices seats, electric motors, fire balloon;

- mobile and folding covers and panels of distributive devices, distributive boxes and other AE&E equipment, and also mobile panels of the circuit breakers (АЗМ) and instrument panels;

- salient elements of aircraft AE&E: aerials, sensors, receivers of air temperature and pressure of the external air;

- splinters, that fly away at destruction of pressure vessels and devices with compressed gases and liquids; balloon with compressed air and oxygen, pressure-gauges, stationary and manual fire-extinguishers;

- shock wave at explosion of pyrotechnic devices, oxygen pressure balloon and vessels, and also at explosion in cockpit if it is saturated by oxygen;

- falling wares, instruments and materials at work on height during technical service of high disposed AE&E aggregates and equipment, in that number with application of mechanized lifts;

- sharp equipment flanges and ends of safety wires at AE&E aggregates dismantling;

- chemical substances - toxic, tetchy, sensitizing, carcinogenic, mutagenic (that impact on human reproductive function), that are contained in equipment or employed at AE&E technical service: alcohol, colophony, glues, varnishes, paints, solvents, poisonous chemicals at clearance and washing of the airframe and AE&E after chemical works, and they penetrate deep into an organism through respiratory apparatus, gastrointestinal tract, skin coverlets & mucous tunics;



- high temperature of equipment surface: electric tools, devices and machines;

- decreased temperature of the air and equipment surfaces at execution of AE&E technical service in conditions of negative temperatures;

- high level of the vibration, ultra- and infrasound at work of aircraft power plants and AE&E aggregates; and also movable circuit breaking (APP) and instrument panels;

- raised voltage of constant and variable current of AE&E electric networks, shorting of which can happen through human body; voltaic arc at short shorting;

- high level of electromagnetic radiation at technical service and capacity verification of aircraft radio equipment;

- high level of ionizing radiation in work area at service of aircraft instrumented equipment;

- location of work place or work area near fenced differences on height on 1,3 m and more (at technical service of aerial devices, impulse and flashing beacons, air navigation lights, spark-gaps of static electricity and other equipment);

- absence or lack of natural and lamplight at execution of works in technical and luggage compartments, in underfloor aircraft space and in landing gear gondolas;

- pathogenic microorganisms (bacterium, viruses, etc) and products of their vital functions on wires plaits in distributive devices, in oxygen and anti-smoke masks;

- physical overloads at technical service of AE&E on the highly located parts of airplane and in the difficult places of access of technical compartments, at a survey, setting and transporting by the hand of aggregates and blocks.


Workplaces which require conditions stated below refer to the workplaces of high risk:

- damp or current conducting dust. Workplaces are called damp, if a relative humidity exceeds 75% too long; workplaces (with current conducting dust) are called dusty, if in production conditions a technological dust is emitted in such amount, that it can settle on wires, to penetrate inside engines, vehicles, etc.

- current conducting floors - metallic, earthen, reinforced concrete, brick;

- high temperature (workplaces, inside which due to the impact of different thermal radiation a temperature exceeds permanently or periodically (longer than for 1 day) + 350С, are called hot);

- possibility of simultaneous human touch to metal constructions, buildings, technological vehicles, mechanisms and other objects, which are connected with earth, on one hand, and to metallic bodies of power installations, on other.

During technical maintenance of the aircraft and airport power installations to such conditions are related: aircraft service conditions on open parking area, where air temperature is higher than +35°C, departments of grinding of aircraft generators brushes, laboratories on repair of electric instruments and aircraft radio equipment, other.

The workplaces with one of following conditions, which may create a special danger are related to very dangerous:

- special damp: workplaces are called specially damp, if inside air humidity is near to 100% (the walls, ceiling and objects are covered by moisture);


- chemically active or organic environment.

The workplaces with chemically active or organic environment are called those apartments, which have permanently or along time aggressive steams inside, gases, liquids are contained, deposit or mould are generated, which act destructively on insulation and current conducting parts of the power installations;

Danger of hitting by electric current depends greatly on meteorological conditions and nearby production environment. Nearby conditions can contribute to augmentation or to lowering of human hitting danger by electric current. For example: raised humidity and high temperature of the air at technical aircraft maintenance in open parking area, current conducting dust inside AMB laboratories, acids and alkalis steams in accumulator charging stations, aviation liquids, which may destroy wire insulation, making worse their dielectric properties and, so, contribute to voltage transition on current nonconductive parts of aircraft and airport power installations.

High air temperature contributes to abundant sweating, and high relative humidity - to bad sweat evaporation and, so, to damping of human skin in work. Resistance of moistened skin sharply lowers a general electric resistance of the human body and this adds to current passing through the human body and to danger of its hitting. Current conducting floors - soil, concrete, reinforced concrete on aircraft open parking area or external airport electro-installations, also increase a risk of electric shock at technical service of electro-, radio-, and instrument equipment of the aircraft and airports.

Technical service of electric installations on civil aviation enterprises is executed frequently in bounded conditions, where there is a possibility of simultaneous accidental touch to current conducting part on one hand and from other -


to metallic parts of power installations having a good connection to ground.

The human touch is highly dangerous, because wire insulation does not play any protective role. Above listed conditions determine a danger of human hitting by electric current.

Дата добавления: 2015-06-10; просмотров: 1949;

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