Hawaii (1910)

The Hawaiian archipelago is a string of islands and reefs 3300 km. long that forms a broad arc in the mid-Pacific. In the 5th or 6th century, brave Polynesian voyagers sailed to Hawaii across thousands of miles of the Pacific in their double canoes. They are believed to have been the island's first inhabitants. The first European to visit Hawaii was Captain James Cook in 1778, traders and priests soon followed.

In 1900 the Hawaiian former kingdom was annexed by the USA, and in 1959 it became its 50th state. Only about 1/6 of the inhabitants originated from Europe or America. Honolulu is home for more than half of all Hawaiians. Waikiki beach extends along the shore from Honolulu to Diamond Head, a dead volcano.

Livestock, sugar and pineapples form the backbone of Hawaii's economy. The state is the world's largest supplier of pineapples. Tourism is a major industry, with 4.5 million people visiting the state each year.

Hawaii has a mild and stable climate with only slight seasonal variations in temperature. The twenty islands of Hawaii lie upon the Pacific, from southeast to northwest. They belong to the hot climate, but the climate is rather less hot because of the ocean currents that pass their shores, and because of the winds that blow across the land from the northeast. On the larger islands volcanic mountains from which lava flows, rise up out of the sea. Along the gently sloping land areas to the southeast, there are beaches of yellow, white and black sands. The largest island, Hawaii, lies at the south-eastern end of the chain and is almost twice as large as all other islands combined. Five volcanoes gave the island its form. Of the two active volcanoes, Mauna Loa is the world's largest. It towers above the scenic Hawaiian National Park, which stretches from the mountain peak across the sea to the neighbouring Maui. Hot-climate plants, sandy desert, waterfalls, craters and caves make the park a tourist attraction.

The best known of all the islands is the third largest Oahu. Oahu, a diamond-shaped plot earth, is the centre of Hawaiian life. Honolulu, capital and largest city, spreads out at the foot of the volcanic mountain range. It is home for more than half of all Hawaiians. Close to it lies Pearl Harbour, where the United States Pacific Fleet is based.


Дата добавления: 2015-05-26; просмотров: 1318;

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