Looking For a Flat

- Well, this is the flat. It’s vacant at the moment. I’m afraid the previous owners didn’t look after it very well, so it’s not in perfect condition.

- Mmm…

- As you can see it’s in need of some decoration and repair. There are four rooms altogether: kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom. This is the living room. It hasn’t been decorated recently.

- Yes, it certainly needs doing up… All the wallpaper is coming off the walls, and it’s very cold and damp. How is the flat heated?

- Well, there’s an open fireplace, but it could be taken out and central heating could be installed.

- Mmm… It’s not very large. I want to put up some shelves for books and things.

- What is that up there? Is that a hole in the ceiling?

- Oh, yes. I’m afraid it is. I didn’t notice that the last time I was there.

- Well, that will definitely need seeing to before it does any damage to the property.

- Yes, of course. But I do think the flat has potential. It could look very good if it’s done up nicely.

- Well, I’m certainly interested. Obviously, I’ll need to talk it over with my husband. You say it’s vacant. Does that mean we could move in immediately?

- Yes, the flat is empty so you could move in when you’re ready.

- Well, I’ll certainly think it over and if we decide to make an offer I’ll call you tomorrow. Thank you for showing me round the flat.

- No trouble, Mrs. Jones. We hope to hear from you tomorrow then. Goodbye.

- Goodbye.


Дата добавления: 2015-05-08; просмотров: 1189;

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