Teaching the dog to footstep track


Much of the work of teaching the dog to footstep track is accomplished by laying short tracks with a small piece of bait in each footstep. However, the handler also plays a great role by maneuvering the dog down the track in such a way that it works the whole distance from footstep to footstep. Footstep tracking does not just automatically happen. Because the dog is excited, it tends to be too headstrong and, rather than carefully checking each footstep, it will rush off down the track, missing most of the baits in the process. The handler’s job is to prevent this by walking very close to the animal, holding it gently back and using his hand to point out each footstep and bait to the dog so that the animal moves slowly and does not miss even one.

As soon as he possibly can, the handler stops pointing out the baits and the footsteps, and lets the dog practice locating them on its own. However, he still remains very close to the dog, keeping a short leash (two to three feet) and using it to guide the animal straight down the track and also to keep it moving slowly, steadily and exactly on top of the footsteps.

When he begins to reduce the bait on the track he does so very slowly and gradually, taking great care to ensure that the dog still takes scent in every footstep.


Дата добавления: 2015-05-08; просмотров: 647;

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