A simple and inexpensive way to keep your sick room clean is with a solution of bleach. Ordinary household bleach can be prepared in a strong (1:10) solution and a weaker (1:100) solution. The strong version is for disinfecting patient waste and for disinfecting spills of blood, mucus, or other bodily fluids. The weaker version is useful for disinfecting surfaces, bedding, medical equipment, and reusable protective clothing (which shall then be washed). It can also disinfect aprons, boots, and items to be thrown away. Yes, items you discard must be disinfected.

To prepare a bleach solution, you’ll need:

• A mixing container that can hold ten “measures.” For example, a ten‑cup container.

• Containers to hold the solutions (consider labels or separate colors for the 1:10 and 1:100 solutions).

• Chlorine bleach

• Clean water

• A measuring cup or similar item

Now, mark the mixing container at the 90 percent level. This will tell you the proper proportions for your mix. Then, pour water to the 90 percent level and add the rest with your bleach. You have just made your 1:10 solution.

To make your 1:100 bleach solution, pour water to the 90 percent level in a new container and use your 1:10 bleach solution to fill the rest of the way.

Prepare these solutions daily, as bleach loses its strength quickly. Smell the solutions; they should have a “bleach‑y” odor. If they don’t, the bleach has degraded and should not be used. For organization purposes, prepare your solutions at the same time every day.

Дата добавления: 2015-05-08; просмотров: 771;

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